
  • Individual Assignment is here!

    Posted by Aditya Joshi 4 days ago.

    Dear all,

    Language models have indeed made several tasks easier than ever. You can now type “Write a poem about kangaroos in the style of William Wordsworth” in the ChatGPT tool, and it generates exactly that for you. How easy is that! I wonder what challenges a probabilistic poetry generator might face. Ah, implementing one will help me understand attention in Transformer much better!

    The individual assignment for COMP6713 is now available to you in Moodle. Look for 'Individual Assignment' on the course page for the assignment description PDF and other files. The individual assignment carries a maximum of 25 marks. It contributes to 10% of the assessment in the course. The assignment must be completed on your own and without the use of Generative AI or external assistance.

    Deadline: Friday, 21 March 2025, 9:00 PM Sydney Time

    Assignment submissions will be in the form of a single .zip file named as your zID only. The submissions will need to be uploaded to the Moodle page by the deadline. I am happy to answer questions on the webcms forum. When posting them, please make sure you do not reveal details that may impact learning of other students.

    Good luck, and hope you enjoy working on the assignment!



    P.S.: Week 2 quiz is currently open in Moodle, and will run until next Wednesday.

  • Welcome to COMP6713 - Natural Language Processing

    Posted by Aditya Joshi 18 days ago.

    Dear all,

    Welcome to the 2025 Term 1 offering of COMP6713 : Natural Language Processing !

    Over the next ten weeks, we will see how computer programs can process human language, which, by the way, did not begin with ChatGPT! The COMP6713 team consists of tu to rs (Lihua, Rashini, Duke, Zechen, Martin*), and me, Aditya: your lecturer and convener for the course. We will use WebCMS ( ) as the discussion forum, and Moodle for assessments.

    Some quick reminders:

    • This is an in-person course. Lecture recordings will be available on Echo360 as managed by the University team. Tutorials will be in-person and not recorded.
    • I strongly encourage you to attend the lectures and tutorials in person. If it helps, students have raved about the in-class engagement in the myExperience feedback last time!
    • Tutorials and online quizzes will start in week 2. Please complete them on time. There will be a practice quiz in week 1 to familiarise you with the Moodle platform.
    • There will be one hybrid consultation session on Thursdays 10-11am, starting week 2.
    • Please make good use of this forum to ask questions.

    Our first lecture is on Thursday, 20th February 2025 from 14:00-16:00 in E19 Patricia O'Shane 104. See you there!


    Aditya Joshi (he/him)

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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