
  • Mock Exam (IMPORTANT!)

    Posted by Yifang Sun Thursday 26 November 2020, 11:41:41 AM, last modified Thursday 26 November 2020, 12:24:25 PM.

    Dear all,

    You can now access the mock exam from WebcMS3 ( ). Please follow the instructions and make sure you can successfully submit through the give system.

    The deadline (e.g., when the give system will be closed) is 23.59pm 27th Nov.

    Note: The Mock exam is compulsory, i.e., you have to make the submission!

    Good luck!


  • Welcome and Course Website

    Posted by Yifang Sun Wednesday 16 September 2020, 02:23:26 PM.

    Welcome to COMP6714 20T3.

    Please visit the course website ( ) for all the announcements, slides, assignments and projects. We will NOT use WebCMS3.

    Please don't comment or post in forums here. We will use Piazza as the course forums.

    Also please note that due to the COVID-19 situation, we will be running all course activities online.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!

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