
  • Project marks

    Posted by Raymond Wong about a year ago.

    We have sent your project marks to your UNSW email. If you have questions regarding your marks, please follow the instructions in the email .

    Since we released the test cases, a few students emailed us asking for making minor changes to their submitted project code or marking them in a different setting. We are unable to allow any code changes based on a case-by-case basis or mark any submission differently, as it will be unfair to the other students.

    For now, please focus on the exam. Once we mark the final exam, we will look for discrepancies between the project marks and exam marks for all students , and manually re-mark their project if needed.

    FYI, the cohort performance of the project is as follows:

     1st Qu.: 5.520  
     Median : 6.540  
     Mean   : 6.654  
     3rd Qu.: 7.835  
     Max.   :10.000

  • Final consultations next week

    Posted by Raymond Wong about a year ago.

    Reminder: The final exam is scheduled on next Thursday 30th Nov 13:45-16:00 .

    Consultations are still available on both Monday and Thursday next week (including the evening on the 30th). They are for students with questions before the exam or with doubt about their project marks.

  • Project marking tests

    Posted by Raymond Wong about a year ago.

    As mentioned in the last live lecture, we are finalizing the project marks (almost there) and running the tests a few times for cross validation. Your marking result shall then be emailed to you by the end of this week. Once it's done, I will post another Notice.

    Meanwhile, if you like, you can check and run the marking testcases by:

    1) log in to a CSE linux machine and go to the folder containing your and

    2) run ~cs6714/reuters/marking

    In theory, the results returned from this script that you run should be the same with the marking result that you will receive by email later this week.

    If you have any questions regarding the marking tests, please come to any consultations .

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