I was very happy to see the outcomes of all projects yesterday. Well done everyone. Final marks are now available.
I would like to particularly highlight the project titled "Accurate Body Motion Monitoring System" by Yi Xiao, Ziming Zheng and Sijun Zhu as the best project in the course. Honourable mentions are also due to the following two projects:
"Motion-Based Key Generation for Wearable Devices" by Michael Han, Aaron Lai and Brandon Wong and
"Bringing IoT to Sports Analytics" by Fu Xui Heng, Kayla Vo and Jing Yeoh Zi .
I hope all of you enjoyed the course. Congratulations if you are graduating this semester. If you will be at uni in 2019, then I wish you a great summer break and hope to see you in some other course next year.
Happy end of year holidays !! All the best !!
Please bring all hardware that has been loaned to you tomorrow (Wed, 21/11) including sensor tags and any project specific hardware that you had borrowed.
A reminder that the final project report and all code are due midnight, Tuesday, 20th November . Submission instructions are in the spec.
The final demo will be held on Wednesday, 21st November . See the schedule on the Project page.
The demo schedule for 21st Nov (Wed) has been updated. Please check.
Please also complete the myExperience survey. Only 12 students have complete the survey so far.
The schedule for the demos to be held on 21st November is now available on the project page. All demos will be held in the CSE Seminar Room on Level 1.
Could I please request all of you to complete the myExperience survey for this course. You should have received an email regarding this from the uni with a personalised link. Alternately, please go
. Your feedback is important for improving future offerings of the course.
We will have our second set of intermediate presentations tomorrow.
All groups that are presenting should email me their slides by 12 noon on Wednesday (day of your presentation). I will collate all slides on my laptop which can be used to run all presentations.
The intermediate report is due by end of Friday, 26th October (Week 13).
Note that, attendance is mandatory for everyone .
Could I please request all of you to complete the myExperience survey for this course. You should have received an email regarding this from the uni with a personalised link. Alternately, please go here . Your feedback is important for improving future offerings of the course.
The presentation schedule for the intermediate project updates in Weeks 12 & 13 is available on the project page. Each group will have 20 minutes: 15 minutes for the talk and 5 minutes for Q&A. I have swapped the order. A marking guide is provided.
All groups that are presenting should email me their slides by 12 noon on Wednesday (day of your presentation). I will collate all slides on my laptop which can be used to run all presentations.
The intermediate report is due by end of Friday, 26th October (Week 13).
Note that, attendance is mandatory for everyone .
I am delighted to announce the following two guest lectures for Wednesday, 10th October:
Title : Digital Transformation through IoT and AI
Speaker : Parag Patki, TCS Consulting
Abstract: In this talk Parag will share his experience around digital transformation particularly around IoT, AI and other related technologies. He will discuss how different industries are adopting digital technologies, challenges they face and implemented solutions.
: Parag Patki is the Managing Partner and Head of TCS' Consulting Practice in Australia and New Zealand. He has more than 25 years of industry experience and is an expert in Information Security, Enterprise Architecture and IT Strategy. In his current role, he closely works with C-suite executives across APAC and A/NZ region to help them in their business and IT transformation, strategy formulation and delivery. He is an engineering graduate from University of Mumbai.
Title: Blockchain: A Distributed Solution to IoT Security and Privacy
: Ali Dorri, UNSW Sydney
Abstract: In recent years, blockchain has attracted tremendous attention due to its salient features including auditability, immutability, security, and anonymity. Resulting from these salient features, blockchain has been applied in multiple non-monetary applications including the Internet of Things (IoT).However, blockchain is computationally expensive, has limited scalability and incurs significant bandwidth overheads and delays which are not suited for most IoT applications.
In this talk, I will present the key features of blockchain and its applications and challenges in IoT. Following, I will present two of our key researches at UNSW toward optimizing blockchain for IoT. Our work focuses on enhancing blockchain scalability and throughput and reducing packet and processing overhead and delay in confirming transactions. Additionally, we are the first to propose a solution to remove previously stored transactions from the blockchain without affecting blockchain consistency and thus enable the IoT users to experience the right for their data to be forgotten.
Bio: Ali Dorri is a PhD student at UNSW, Sydney, and Postgraduate research student at CSIRO, Australia. His research interest includes blockchain applications and challenges for Internet of Things, network security and privacy, smart city, and smart grid. He has published over 20 peer-reviewed papers. His publications in blockchain are being ranked among most popular and top-cited papers in their respective venues and are widely covered by media.
A reminder that the problem set solutions are due on Sunday, 7th October, 23:59 pm .
There is no lecture in Week 10 due to LiC travel. See the course outline for the schedule for the remaining weeks.
Marks for all labs and the project prelim presentation and report (together making up 15 marks) are available here . Note that, the total lab marks will be capped at 30.
On Wednesday, 19th September, the second set of groups will be presenting their project proposals. The schedule is posted on the projects page. Each group will have 15 minutes to present followed by 5 minutes for Q&A.
All groups that are presenting should email me their slides by 12 noon on Wednesday . I will collate all slides on my laptop which can be used to run all presentations.
Note that, attendance is mandatory for everyone .
A reminder that the preliminary report is due by 11:59pm, Friday, 14th September.
Submission instructions are provided in the project specification.
I will be away next week. I have arranged for Prof. Raja Jurdak from Data61 CSIRO to deliver a guest lecture in my absence. Details of the talk are as follows:
Title: IoT in the real world: CSIRO research projects in distributed sensing
Abstract: The talk will cover: (1) the breadth of our real-world projects, ranging from rainforest monitoring, water quality monitoring, sensing in, on and around animals, in Australia and globally; (2) real-world challenges that are typically faced in these projects, including energy, delay-tolerance, mobility; (3) research and algorithms and communication protocols. to address these challenges.
Bio: https://people.csiro.au/J/R/Raja-Jurdak
I would strongly encourage you to attend.
On Wednesday, 5th September, the first set of groups will be presenting their project proposals. The schedule is posted on the projects page. Each group will have 15 minutes to present followed by 5 minutes for Q&A.
All groups that are presenting should email me their slides by 12 noon on Wednesday . I will collate all slides on my laptop which can be used to run all presentations.
Note that, attendance is mandatory for everyone .
We will have a guest lecture by Dr. Hassan Habibi Gharakheili, a post-doctoral research fellow from the School of EET on Machine-Learning based security solution for IoT on Wednesday, 29th August. Prior to the guest lecture, I will go over an overview of machine learning and its applications for IoT.
The presentation schedule for the projects in Weeks 7 & 9 is available on the project page. Each group will have 20 minutes: 15 minutes for the talk and 5 minutes for Q&A.
I will be away in Week 8 for a conference but have arranged for a guest lecturer from Data61 CSIRO to deliver an exciting talk. I will provide further details later.
The problem set is now available on the web page. The deadline (hard) is Sunday, 7th October . It is worth 10% of your final mark.
The project allocations are available on the project page. If your name is not in the list then I have not received your nomination. There are still several students who have not sent me this information. The deadline has already passed. Could I please urge you to send me your nominations ASAP.
UPDATE: I had received nominations in different formats, as one of you kindly pointed out. Please check the slightly revised allocations. I think most groups have been allocated projects within their first 2 choices.
A few updates/reminders:
I am thrilled to announce that we will have a guest lecture by Paul McManus, Founder of Meshed tomorrow (8/8). His company is delivering IoT solutions using Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWANs) for diverse market segments. I think we can all learn a lot from his experience. We will be reviewing Bluetooth LE and LPWAN in the first part of the lecture.
Lab submissions from the week before are due before the start of your lab in the following week. So for example, if you go to the Tuesday 15:00 lab then your Week 1 lab submission is due by 12:59 on Tuesday, 7th August.
Your tutor has posted some useful information posted by your tutor about the second lab HERE . Please read it carefully.
The project specification is now available on the course webpage. Team formation and preferences are due by 12 noon on Friday, 17th August via email to Salil.
Labs will begin this week. You will be loaned necessary hardware which you get to keep for the entire semester. You must return the hardware after your final project demo. Please handle all equipment with care.
Note that the Monday 18-21 lab has been canceled. The lab schedule will be as follows (all in Lyre lab):
Monday 15-18
Tuesday 15-18
Wednesday 17-20
Make sure that you work through all the provided tutorials before you attempt the lab exercise. Note that, your submission is due in the following week (i..e the Week 2 lab exercise is due at the start of the Week 3 lab). Be sure to get your submission marked off by your tutor.
Welcome to COMP6733, session 2. We are looking forward to exploring the exciting world of IoT with all of you.
Our first lecture will be held on Wednesday, 25th July from 1-4pm in Valentine Annexe 121 (H22) . Note that the entrance to this room is bang opposite the Australia Post Shop on Lower Campus (adjacent to the Botany Street Car Park).
Labs will commence in Week 2 .
Please read the course outline posted on the website carefully before the lecture.
See you on Wednesday !!