
  • Tutors for COMP6733 20T3

    Posted by Wen Hu 5 years ago.

    Dear all,

    We are looking for one to two tutors in T3 (each lab is 4 hours in Weeks 1-5, 7 and 8, see ). Please see below for the general information from Andrew Taylor. If you have any questions, please send me an email.

    "Computer Science and Engineering employs students as casual tutors, demonstrators and consultants. ... Successful applicants will need relevant experience and/or very good marks in relevant courses.

    Applications for term 3 2020 can now be made here using UNSW zid/zpass:

    Applications are also welcome from outside UNSW, apply without a zid/zpass here

    The information you provide on this form will be examined by lecturers needing casual tutors.

    COMP6733 will be mixing face-to-face and online teaching.

    If you are unable or unwilling to come to campus to teach face-to-face classes, please stop here.

    If you have experience with online teaching and online teaching tools, e.g. Blackboard Collaborate, please mention it under Teaching Skills.

    Please enter your application by Mon Aug 31. You can update the information you provide at any time.

    Successful applicants will receive an email in week 0. Don't forget to enter your phone number on the form in case you need to be contacted urgently.

    Successful applicants who have not tutored previously will need to join an on-line training workshop on Friday afternoon of week 0 (Fri 11th)..."

  • [Casual and part time] IoT developers

    Posted by Wen Hu 5 years ago.

    Dear COMP6733,

    I hope that you are safe and healthy in this challenging time. We are looking for part-time or casual Contiki and Sensortag developers for an industry funded project. Please send me an email if you are interested in it.


  • Demo schedule

    Posted by Wen Hu 5 years ago.

    Is available in the Project page. Please check the schedule and let me know if there is any problem ASAP. Good luck!

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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