
  • Return Devices

    Posted by Qi Lin 4 years ago.

    Hi all,

    This is a reminder to return your loaned devices (SensorTags). Please ignore it if you already returned your devices.

    For those who haven't, can you please return them to your tutors or me ASAP? Thank you.

  • Goodbye

    Posted by Wen Hu 4 years ago.

    I have uploaded the marks to Astra and the bonus marks were added to the project final demo.

    I am impressed very much by the the quality of the projects, especially during this challenging year of 2020. I would like to particularly highlight the project titled "IoT for fever surveillance" by Team MMGA (Memembers' names are omitted due to privacy concerns) as the best project in the course. Honourable mentions are also due to the following two projects:

    "Hand washing quality monitoring with sensorTag" by Team Fighting with Wind , and

    "Gait-based authentication in wearable Devices" by Team Jim's IoT .

    I hope all of you enjoyed the course. Congratulations if you are graduating this semester. If you will be at uni in 2021, then I wish you a great summer break and hope to see you in some other courses next year.

    Happy end of year holidays !! All the best !!

  • Final project demo and myexperience survey reminder

    Posted by Wen Hu 4 years ago.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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