Hi all,
This is a reminder to return your loaned devices (SensorTags). Please ignore it if you already returned your devices.
For those who haven't, can you please return them to your tutors or me ASAP? Thank you.
I have uploaded the marks to Astra and the bonus marks were added to the project final demo.
I am impressed very much by the the quality of the projects, especially during this challenging year of 2020. I would like to particularly highlight the project titled "IoT for fever surveillance" by Team MMGA (Memembers' names are omitted due to privacy concerns) as the best project in the course. Honourable mentions are also due to the following two projects:
"Hand washing quality monitoring with sensorTag" by Team Fighting with Wind , and
"Gait-based authentication in wearable Devices" by Team Jim's IoT .
I hope all of you enjoyed the course. Congratulations if you are graduating this semester. If you will be at uni in 2021, then I wish you a great summer break and hope to see you in some other courses next year.
Happy end of year holidays !! All the best !!
Thanks for the 6 teams that have expressed their preferences in https://webcms3.cse.unsw.edu.au/COMP6733/20T3/reso... . For the rest 6 teams, please write down your demo schedule preferences ASAP. If you haven't done so by COB Monday, you will be assigned to a random schedule
Hi all,
The locations of three anchors should be (50,70), (20,20) and (70,30).
The problem set has been corrected.
I made a mistake on this one. Deeply sorry for the trouble.
Hi all,
Final project demo day 23/11is fast approaching. In previous years, we had the demos in Level 1 Seminar room, K-17, which is also booked by us on 23/11/2020. Given that 2020 is unique, we have launched a poll to find out your preference. Can you fill in the poll https://webcms3.cse.unsw.edu.au/COMP6733/20T3/acti... ?
Hi all,
Based on the feedbacks, we will provide lecture attendance points in Week 9 similar to other CSE courses such as COMP1531. Specifically, for each lecture, if you attend at least 80% of the lecture (zoom will have a record of attendees, so please use your name as the Zoom account name if you haven't done so), you will get bonus one mark. If you turn your webcam on during the lecture, you will get another bonus mark. Therefore, you may get up to 4 bonus marks. Note that the maximum mark you will get from the course is still 100.
Please complete the poll for timing https://webcms3.cse.unsw.edu.au/COMP6733/20T3/acti...
is available at https://webcms3.cse.unsw.edu.au/COMP6733/20T3/reso...
Note that we have made some changes. There are 12 teams and each team will have 15 minutes (12 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for Q&A). Seminar attendance is compulsory and each team should return marks for other teams to us by the end of the lecture via email. We may issue penalty for no attendance and/or failing to return marks to us on time. Looking forward to see you tomorrow!
We will have Dr Philip Valencia from CSIRO and Matthew Lickwar from Ynomia to talk about BLE based localisation and tracking and its applications on Thursday. Please try your best to attempt.
are available in https://webcms3.cse.unsw.edu.au/COMP6733/20T3/reso...
Hi all,
Thanks for finalising the project groups. We will release the project allocation this week. The following groups does not have project preference in the comment sections of Groups page. Please write them down ASAP (before Thursday). Otherwise, they will be allocated to random projects.
Please access it with the Moodle link.
Student Experience Survey 2020
Dear all,
There are 10 groups in the Project page currently. For the students (about 20) without a group currently, please finalise your groups this weekend and express your project preference in the above page. We will assign the "orphan" students to random groups with random projects early next week. If you haven't done so, please make your groups visible, I won't be able to see them if they are invisible (private).
is available. Problem Set
There are 26 sensortags available in the following public testbed, which maybe handy for some of the labs. https://indriya.comp.nus.edu.sg
Hi all,
We will have Hao Ni from WBS Tech to present a guest lecture on above topics and their experience with them in more than 50 smart buildings deployments and operations. The slides are available in Lectures .
Please see Project menu for the details.
Please take the quiz when you have a chance.
The course will have online lectures.
Students enrolled in all labs will optionally be able to attend
face-to-face classes in Weeks 1 - 5, 7 and 8.
Social distancing requirements mean that the lab hours will be divided
into 2 parts equally, and approximately 50% of the class to attend
each part. Students enrolled in all lab classes will be able to choose not to
attend any face-to-face classes.The course staff will contact students shortly before week 1 with
information regarding how face-to-face
attendance will be coordinated, in other words, which part you can
attend if you choose to.
This will include details of the lab rooms to be used for face-to-face classes.
Dear students,
Current UNSW guideline is that online (Zoom/Team and Echo360) lecture delivery and face-to-face labs and tutorials. Note that the guideline is subject to change according to future development of the COVID-19 pandemic, and we will provide updates in a timely manner. Please check your (UNSW) emails and this website regularly.
We will use specialised equipment (TI Sensortags) in the labs; therefore, if you will be based OVERSEAS in Term 3, please drop the course (our apologies).
You don't need to attend the labs in full as far as you can finish and submit your lab exercises on time, as well as perform demonstration and answer your tutor's questions in the lab or via Zoom/Team. Note that some of the labs and course project will be done in groups.
The project this term will be on the area of IoT to help the fight of COVID-19 pandemic. Topics include but not limited to C OVID-safe on smart wristbands, virtual fencing technology for home quarantine and IoT for fever surveillance etc.