
  • [Casual and part time] IoT backend developers

    Posted by Wen Hu 3 years ago.

    Dear COMP6733,

    I hope that you had a wonderful xmas break. We are looking for part-time or casual STM32 and AWS backend developers for an industry funded project. Please send me an email if you are interested in it.



  • Goodbye and device return

    Posted by Wen Hu 3 years ago.

    I have finalised the marks in SMS.

    I am impressed very much by the the quality of the projects. I would like to particularly highlight the following projects and teams .

    "IoT Smart Contract" by Team Smart Contracts (Members' names are omitted due to privacy concerns)

    "Monitoring strain of container lashings" by Team TOC, and

    "COVID-19 virtual fence" by Team Good Enough.

    I hope all of you enjoyed the course. Congratulations if you are graduating this term. If you will be at uni in 2022, then I wish you a great summer break and hope to see you in some other courses next year.

    If you haven't done so, please contact Jiawei to return your loaned device.

    Happy end of year holidays !! All the best !!

  • Final demo on Monday, device return and myexpereince

    Posted by Wen Hu 3 years ago.

    • The final schedule is out ( ) and we have two teams that will demo f2f on campus and the rest will demo over zoom. Please check above link for the details. I am looking forward to your demo. Please do make a video as a backup plan.
    • For the teams that will demo f2f. Please bring your devices to the demo and return them to us after your demo. For other students, please contact Jiawei (Gary) for device return.
    • Thanks to all of you who have completed myExperience so far. If you haven’t completed it yet, find the link on your Moodle course page. myExperience is important, I care about what our students think of the course, and use student feedback to make changes for future students. The Faculty of Engineering use the outcomes of the of myExperience to gain real insight into your experience of courses and teaching at UNSW.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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