
  • Goodbye

    Posted by Wen Hu 2 years ago, last modified 2 years ago.

    I have finalised the marks in SMS. I have added 1 bonus mark to your total to reflect the high myExperience return rate and guest lecture attendance rate in Week 10 according to the rule published earlier.

    I am impressed very much by the the quality of the projects. I would like to particularly highlight the following project and team .

    "AI On Edge: Help Protect the Great Barrier Reef" by Team SmartEdge (Members' names are omitted due to privacy concerns). The guest lecturer from CSRIO that works on the project is also very impressed by the results achieved.

    I hope all of you enjoyed the course. Congratulations if you are graduating this term. If you will be at uni in 2023, then I wish you a great summer break and hope to see you in some other courses next year.

    If you haven't done so, please contact your tutor to return your loaned device.

    Happy end of year holidays !! All the best !!

  • Device return

    Posted by Wen Hu 2 years ago.

    If you haven't done so, please contact your tutor to return your loaned devices.

  • Final demo today , device return and myexperience

    Posted by Wen Hu 2 years ago.

    • I am looking forward to your demo later today . You are welcome to attend other teams' demo and provide constructive feedback. Please arrive 30 minutes earlier to prepare for the demo. If you haven't done so, please do make a video as a backup plan.
    • For the teams that will demo f2f. Please bring your devices to the demo and return them to us after your demo. For other students, please contact Cheng (Jacob) for device return.
    • Thanks to all of you who have completed myExperience so far. If you haven’t completed it yet, please provide your feedback via this link . We have a 56% response rate and reach milestone 2 (bonus 2 marks), and are not far away from milestone 3 (i.e., 75% response rate and bonus 3 marks).

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