
  • Week 6: Flex week. No Lecture, no lab

    Posted by Wen Hu Friday 28 June 2024, 09:13:16 PM.

    Enjoy the Flexibility Week!

  • Week 5: Project Proposal Presentation

    Posted by Wen Hu Sunday 23 June 2024, 03:58:21 PM.

    • We will have proposal presentation this week (each group will have a maximum of 10 minutes' presentation time and please stick to the time limit). Note that every team member is expected to present. We have also created a Google form to collect peer marking (one submission per team please).
    • Lab 4 demo and submission due this week.

    Look forward to seeing your proposal presentations on Monday.

  • Project proposal presentation in Week 5

    Posted by Wen Hu Wednesday 19 June 2024, 02:27:36 PM.

    • Project proposal presentation schedule, marking rubrics etc are available here . Note that every member in the group is expected to present.

  • Week 4: Space and Time Synchronisation

    Posted by Wen Hu Monday 17 June 2024, 10:46:01 AM.

    See you in the lecture this afternoon.

  • Tentative project allocation

    Posted by Wen Hu Friday 14 June 2024, 08:53:41 PM.

    Thanks for your input and the tentative project allocation is available here.

    Have a nice weekend and stay dry and warm!

  • Project groups

    Posted by Wen Hu Wednesday 12 June 2024, 03:49:25 PM.

    • Summary of Groups Information on the Project page : We currently have 12 groups, but most of them haven’t listed their top three preference projects yet. If you belong to one of these groups, please do so as soon as possible. My goal is to have a tentative allocation this week.
    • For Students Without a Group: Take a look at the Groups page . We have two groups that are currently missing members. Consider joining one of these existing groups or starting a new one.

  • Week 3: MQTT, Coap, and Cloud

    Posted by Wen Hu Tuesday 11 June 2024, 11:14:37 AM.

    We hope that you had a great long weekend, and welcome to Week 3. Please see below for the course updates.

    • Project groups and topics will be finalised this week. If you don't have a group or your group is missing members, please come to the lecture on Wednesday and we will try to match you.
    • In the group page , please make your group visible. If you haven't done so, please express your preference by giving your top-3 projects a score of 1, 2 and 3 where ‘1’ means a project that you most want to do and ‘3 ’ means a project that you least want to do. We will assign the "orphan" students to random groups with random projects later this week.
    • Lab 2 demo and submission due this week. Lab 3 will be on AWS IoT Cloud.
    • Problem Set has been released.

  • Project specification and Monday (10/06)

    Posted by Wen Hu Friday 07 June 2024, 09:34:29 PM.

    • We have released version 1.1 of the project specification . In this update, we’ve included two new project examples: one on exploiting Large Language Models for human activity recognition, and the other on smart farming using RGB LED Bulbs and solar panels.
    • Please ensure that your group information (including group name, members, and topic preference etc.) is added to the Groups page and that your group is visible. If you haven’t formed a group yet, take a look at the page—there are several groups currently missing members. Consider reaching out to existing members before joining a group.
    • Note that Monday (10 June) is a Public Holiday, so there will be no lecture on Monday in Week 3.
    • Lastly, enjoy your long weekend, but also remember to work hard! :-)

  • Week 2: Phy, MAC, Link and Routing

    Posted by Wen Hu Monday 03 June 2024, 11:49:20 AM.

    See you at 3pm.

  • Project specification

    Posted by Wen Hu Friday 31 May 2024, 09:09:04 AM, last modified Friday 31 May 2024, 09:09:20 AM.

    HI all,

  • Week 1: Introduction and Applications

    Posted by Wen Hu Friday 24 May 2024, 04:24:25 PM.

  • Welcome to COMP6733 24T2

    Posted by Wen Hu Tuesday 21 May 2024, 10:53:58 AM.

    • The lectures are scheduled in Ainswth102 (on both Mondays and Wednesdays) currently. We are looking forward to meeting you.
    • Based on the MyExperience feedback from previous years, we have a 4-hour lab session each week. However, apart from the demonstration (lab assessment), you are NOT required to attend the full lab sessions.
    • We will use special devices (e.g., Arduino Nano with Bluetooth Low Energy) in the labs, which will be collected from the campus during the first lab session in Week 1. Note that we have moved the labs to start from Week 1 instead of Week 2 on the myExperience feedback from previous years so that the students have more time for the course project. Do let us know your experience (e.g., at the end of the term via MyExperience survey).
    • Please complete this short Prior Knowledge survey before Monday when you have a chance.

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