AMPL code to run the AMPL model mis.mod

reset options;

option solver ipopt64.exe;
model mis.mod;

printf "\nTight constraints:\n\n";
# display all tight constraints, their shadow prices, their slack, and the value on the left of the (in)equality
display {j in 1.._ncons: _con[j].slack<1e-7} (_conname[j],_con[j].slack,_conname[j].body);

printf "Values of variables:\n\n";
# display all variables, their values (, and their reduced costs)
display _varname,_var; #,_var.rc;

printf "Running time: %11.8f^n\n", 2^Wmax;

Resource created Monday 08 August 2016, 06:56:11 PM.


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