
  • Mid-session quiz

    Posted by Serge Gaspers Friday 25 August 2017, 11:28:02 AM.

    We have our mid-session quiz on Tuesday from 9am-10am, followed by a lecture on parameterized intractability. The mid-session quiz is on the content we have seen so far (including half of the lecture 06-PCbranch on Feedback Vertex Set) and will focus on the parts that have not been assessed in Assignment 1. See the trial mid-session quiz in the "Miscellanea" section for an example of such a quiz.

    Please bring your writing utensils, student card, and any notes and books you'd like to use. A calculator is not needed, but you are allowed to bring a UNSW approved calculator. No other electronic devices are allowed.

  • Next lecture

    Posted by Serge Gaspers Thursday 17 August 2017, 06:37:52 PM.

    On Tuesday, we will do Exercise sheet 4, and exercises 1-3 of Exercise sheet 5 before continuing the lecture on kernelization.

  • Course structure

    Posted by Serge Gaspers Thursday 10 August 2017, 02:28:27 PM.

    FYI, we will postpose the lecture on Inclusion-Exclusion to a later date. Next week, we will look at Exercise sheet 3, and then start with parameterized algorithms and complexity "05-pc", which I will rename "04-pc".

  • Assignment 1

    Posted by Serge Gaspers Tuesday 01 August 2017, 03:18:01 PM.

    Assignment 1 has now be posted and is due on 16 August 2017.

  • Lecture recordings

    Posted by Serge Gaspers Wednesday 26 July 2017, 12:31:09 AM.

    Lecture recordings are available here .

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