
  • Assignment 3 feedback and Consultation on Monday

    Posted by Serge Gaspers 5 years ago.


    Individual feedback on Assignment 3 is available in the usual space. Median: 94; average: 82.1667.

    As announced during the last lecture, we will have a consultation session on Monday from 12:00 until 12:30 in office 506 of building K17, optionally until 13:00 in case of high demand.

    On Wednesday, we have the mid-session quiz. Please bring your student ID card, a pen, and any notes, books, printouts you might want to use, including the glossary, your answers to the trial mid-session quiz, etc., but no electronic material except UNSW approved calculators and watches.

    Kind regards,

  • Feedback on Assignment 2 and groups for Assignment 4

    Posted by Serge Gaspers 5 years ago.


    You should now be able to see individual feedback on your Assignment 2 here: The median mark was 97.5 and the average was 80.125.

    The groups for Assignment 4 are also known now. Each enrolled student should have received a Bitbucket invite to a Git repository that you will use to submit Assignments 4 and 5. The invites went to

    Kind regards,

  • Exercise sheets

    Posted by Serge Gaspers 5 years ago.

    Tomorrow, we will start the lecture with exercise sheets 3 and 4. It is an excellent idea to try the exercises yourselves before we see the solution in class. This helps you prepare for the mid-session quiz, even if you only partially manage to solve them on your own.

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