
  • COMP6771: Removal of Access to Gitlab Repos

    Posted by Simon Haddad 🥩 2 years ago, last modified 2 years ago.

    Hello everyone,

    We will be removing your access to your Gitlab repos for this term.

    You have until Sunday 28h May 11:59pm to store whatever files you want onto more permanent storage.

    Please do not upload your code to a public location where it is likely to be seen by future students of this course.

    -COMP6771 Teaching team

  • COMP6771: Advanced C++ (Marks Notice)

    Posted by Simon Haddad 🥩 2 years ago.

    Hello everyone,

    We have released your exam mark. You can view it from CSE give, or by running "6771 classrun collect exam" from the CSE machines.

    On the whole, we are extremely happy with the exam mark spread. The highest exam mark was ~27 and the lowest non-zero exam mark was ~1.5. The average exam mark was ~17 with a standard deviation of 3 marks.

    After discussing internally, to aid students who were affected by Gitlab slowness and other technical problems, we made the following amendments to exam marking:

    • Rather than taking the last submission made to your exam repo on Gitlab, we took the last commit before 12:35pm. This meant that, even if you submitted after 12:35, you would not have gotten 0.
    • We compiled your code with -Werror turned off, so your code only failed to compile if there was an unrecoverable error.

    And with this, the course has officially come to a close. Thank you all for the term, and we wish you luck in your future endeavours!

    -COMP6771 Teaching Team

  • COMP6771 Exam Notice

    Posted by Simon Haddad 🥩 2 years ago, last modified 2 years ago.

    This notice will be periodically updated as any course-wide clarifications are made. We will try to keep this as minimal as possible.


    • 9am: Exam is LIVE
    • 10:38am: update to section 2.3 examples of Question A to fix missing ::type
    • 12:20pm: 10 minutes remaining. Please remember to save and submit your work to Gitlab. Any submissions made after 12:30pm <u>strict</u> will get 0.
    • 12:30pm: EXAM IS OVER. ANY SUBMISSIONS MADE NOW WILL GET 0. Good work on completing the exam!!!

    Good luck!

    -COMP6771 Teaching Team

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There is nothing due!


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