
  • Provisional grades now available

    Posted by Paul Hunter 6 years ago.

    Provisional COMP9020 marks are now available here or by running 9020 classrun -sturec

    The field Preliminary_result contains what I expect will be your final mark for COMP9020.

    Hopefully Preliminary_result contains a mark >= 50 and a grade of PS, CR, DN or HD. If so (provisionally) you have met all hurdles and other requirements and have passed COMP9020.

    Provisional marks can also change, for example when calculation errors are discovered but it is not usual to change a provisional PS to a FL.

    If your Preliminary_result field contains the grade FL, UF, or AF unfortunately you have not passed COMP9020 and are not being offered further assessment.

    If your Preliminary_result field contains the grade WD or WC this indicates your mark and grade is yet to be determined, most likely through a supplementary exam. There are two possible reasons for these grades:

    1) You were absent from the final exam due to illness etc - the supplementary exam will be used in place of the final exam to calculate your final mark.

    2) You have not met the requirements to pass COMP9020, but only narrowly. You are being given another opportunity to prove that you deserve to pass the course. If you do not take this opportunity you will not pass COMP9020.

    Please contact me if you believe there have been any gross omissions or wish to discuss the COMP9020 assessment further. Arrangements can be made if you wish to inspect your marking, however note that it is faculty policy that, for example, falling 1 mark short of a HD/DN/CR, is not sufficient reason to review a student's assessment. Unfortunately, with over 300 students there are going to be students that fall one mark short of the next grade.

  • Assignment marks now available

    Posted by Paul Hunter 6 years ago.

    Hi all,

    Your marks for Assignments 2 and 3 are now available for you to see.

    Please contact me if there are any gross errors (e.g. score of 0/? when you believe you made a submission).

    If you contact me with minor issues I may not be able to handle them as I am finishing on your exams now.



  • Assignment X (and Quiz X) solutions now available.

    Posted by Paul Hunter 6 years ago.

    Hi all,

    Sample solutions for Assignment X (and Quiz X) are now available.

    Note that the answers for the Quiz don't quite match the marks you would have got if you attempted the quiz online (there was an error in the online solutions).

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