Provisional COMP9020 marks are now available here or by running 9020 classrun -sturec
The field Preliminary_result contains what I expect will be your final mark for COMP9020.
Hopefully Preliminary_result contains a mark >= 50 and a grade of PS, CR, DN or HD. If so (provisionally) you have met all hurdles and other requirements and have passed COMP9020.
Provisional marks can also change, for example when calculation errors are discovered but it is not usual to change a provisional PS to a FL.
If your Preliminary_result field contains the grade FL, UF, or AF unfortunately you have not passed COMP9020 and are not being offered further assessment.
If your Preliminary_result field contains the grade WD or WC this indicates your mark and grade is yet to be determined, most likely through a supplementary exam. There are two possible reasons for these grades:
1) You were absent from the final exam due to illness etc - the supplementary exam will be used in place of the final exam to calculate your final mark.
2) You have not met the requirements to pass COMP9020, but only narrowly. You are being given another opportunity to prove that you deserve to pass the course. If you do not take this opportunity you will not pass COMP9020.
Please contact me if you believe there have been any
omissions or wish to discuss the COMP9020 assessment further. Arrangements can be made if you wish to inspect your marking, however note that it is faculty policy that, for example, falling 1 mark short of a HD/DN/CR, is not sufficient reason to review a student's assessment. Unfortunately, with over 300 students there are going to be students that fall one mark short of the next grade.
Hi all,
Your marks for Assignments 2 and 3 are now available for you to see.
Please contact me if there are any gross errors (e.g. score of 0/? when you believe you made a submission).
If you contact me with minor issues I may not be able to handle them as I am finishing on your exams now.
Hi all,
Sample solutions for Assignment X (and Quiz X) are now available.
Note that the answers for the Quiz don't quite match the marks you would have got if you attempted the quiz online (there was an error in the online solutions).
Hi all,
I have put up an additional quiz that can be used for practice questions. This quiz forms part of a replacement assessment for students that were granted Special Consideration throughout the semester (students for which this applies to have been already contacted via email) - consequently results for this quiz will not be available until the due date/time.
I will shortly be putting up some additional practice questions (in the form of an additional assignment) - this is also part of the replacement assessment so the solutions will not be available until all affected students have submitted.
Hi all,
Quiz 10, the final assessed quiz, on Probability, is now available. Due before the start of the next lecture.
Hi all,
This week's consultation will be in Room 302, K17 from 1-2pm on Wednesday.
Hi all,
Quiz 9, on counting, is now available. Due by the start of the next lecture.
The solutions to Quiz 8 have also been posted.
Hi all,
I have gathered a selection of practice questions covering the main topics of the course, roughly at the level of difficulty of the exam (in my opinion) - available under the "Course Work" tab in the main menu on WebCMS. I will put up solutions to the questions in the next few days.
Hi all,
Assignment 1 is now marked. Your mark is available in SMS and under the "Grades" button on the main menu. Unfortunately I am not able to upload the breakdown of your marks at the moment, that will be done early next week.
A set of sample solutions and marking guide for the second assignment is now available. I will be going through the solutions at the next lecture.
Thank you again for your patience,
Hi all,
Quiz 8 is now available. It is due at the start of the next lecture on October 3.
Hi all,
Assignment 3 is now available. It is due on
Sunday, October 14
This assignment is indicative of the nature of the questions that will appear on the exam.
Hi all,
Quiz 7, on induction and recursion is now available, due on Wednesday at 15:00
Note there is a question involving mutual recursion which we did not get around to covering in the last lecture. However, with a solid grasp of recursion, it should not be too difficult to work through.
Hi all,
I managed to get Quiz 6 up in reasonable order, so it will still be due at 15:00 next Wednesday.
Hi all,
There was a slight error in Q3 of the second assignment - the question should relate to
planar graphs. I have put a revised version of the assignment up. Anyone who has already attempted the question should not have any difficulties making the adjustment.
Hi all,
Assignment 2 is now available. It will be due on Sunday 16th September at 23:59 .
Note that some parts (namely 1(c) and 3(c)) involve induction which we will not be covering until Lecture 7, however the remainder of the assignment (including 1(d)-(f)) can be attempted based on the material that has been covered so far.
Hi all,
Quiz 5, on logic, is now available.
The solutions to Quiz 4 have also been posted.
Hi all,
There was a small error in the slides in yesterday's lecture. There is no subdivision of K 5 in the Petersen graph. There is, however, a subdivision of K 3,3 , so it is not planar. I will update the slides in short order.
For those interested, K 5 is a minor of the Petersen graph - a more general notion than subdivision.
Dear all,
Quiz 4 is now available, and due before the next lecture.
Thank you for your patience,
Hi all,
Quiz 3 is now available. The solutions to the second quiz will be published soon.
Apologies for the delay,
Hi all,
I have put the first assignment up. It is due on Sunday 26th August at 23:59. You can make multiple submissions (I suggest making a trial submission well before the due date to see if there are any issues), but your final submission before the due date is the one which will be assessed.
Hi all,
The second quiz is now available and will be due at 3pm next Wednesday.
I will post the solutions to the first quiz shortly.
Hi all,
The handwritten notes from the first lecture are now available under "Week 2" in the Lectures tab on WebCMS. Once again, my apologies for the recording mix-up.
Hi all,
The first quiz is now available under the Activities tab on WebCMS.
Thank you for your patience.
Hi all,
I have updated the moodle webpage to link to the lecture recordings. The link is also available under the "Lectures" menu item on WebCMS.
I was using the wrong monitor for recording the handwritten notes - so these do not appear in this week's recording. I will scan the notes for this week and make them available asap. For future weeks this should be corrected, but I will continue to monitor and make sure.
This week's quiz will be delayed a little while I finalize a few details.
Dear all,
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the lecture for Week 1 is cancelled. I will endeavour to make it up at a later point in the semester.
Apologies for the late notice,