
  • Your Feedback

    Posted by Michael Thielscher 5 years ago.

    Dear COMP9020 Student,

    Thank you again for the very high response rate on MyExperience and also the overwhelmingly positive feedback. A quick summary of the main sentiment: Many of you have pointed out positive aspects of online studying, most notably that it allows you to study at your own pace and there is no need to commute to uni. On the other hand, "none" was one of the more common answers to the question about the best elements of studying online, and many of you missed the interaction with me and your classmates.

    In terms of improvement, some of you would have preferred me to go at a slower pace and about the same number of students expressed a preference for the opposite. This will be hard to reconcile. On the other hand there was a comment on the problem sets that made me think of splitting them into two separate components in the future: Exercises that will not be assessed, which can be freely discussed and any doubts clarified on the course forum; and the exercises that will be assessed through the quiz. I will try out this model in my next course.

    Finally, I was asked whether it would be possible to reveal the topics of the multiple choice questions from the final exam. That's fair enough; the topics were:

    1. From week 1
    2. Properties of functions: 1-1 and onto
    3. Functions
    4. Graphs
    5. Induction, recursion, big-Oh
    6. Counting and probability

  • Final Result

    Posted by Michael Thielscher 5 years ago.

    Your result in the exam is now available on WebCMS3.

    • Exam: Your mark for the exam.
    • Midterm_Asst1: Your (adjusted) mark for the midterm test.
    • Quiz: Your (adjusted) mark for the weekly quizzes.

    To pass the course, your exam mark must be ≥25 and the sum of the marks for the individual assessment components must be ≥50.

    You can obtain detailed feedback on your marks for the final exam on WebCMS3 by clicking on the little arrow indicated below:

    Since the Moodle exam was derived directly from the original written exam, unfortunately I cannot reopen the Moodle quiz for review since variations of these questions may be reused in another form in future exams. But if you did not pass the course and have further questions about your marks then you can email me personally.

    The winners of the COMP9020 20T1 Prize Competition are:

    1. Jiahao Ding
    2. Jeehyun Lim
    3. Yan Lin

    Congratulations! The three of you and the winner of the Fun Quiz in the last online lecture, Simon Sillitoe, can claim your prize at any time by emailing me as soon as you get a chance to come back to our campus.

  • Exam extended by 10 minutes

    Posted by Michael Thielscher 5 years ago.

    As you would have noticed, we have extended the exam time by 10 minutes for everyone to account for the initial slowness/inaccessibility of the platform.

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