
  • Assignment marks available (finally!)

    Posted by Paul Hunter 5 years ago.

    Hi all,

    I have finally managed to get your assignment marks onto the system - unfortunately I haven't managed to work things so that you can "collect" your assignments (that is a whole other headache).

    Please check your marks through webCMS or sturec and get back to me if you believe there have been any gross omissions.

    I will not be making the final exam mark available - it is against school policy to release final marks before the university has made the results available to all - these should be sent to you via email on Friday.

    I hope you enjoyed the course, despite the difficult conditions we find ourselves in at the moment.


  • Exam: one hour remaining

    Posted by Paul Hunter 5 years ago.

    Hi all,

    This is a brief message to remind you that the deadline for exam submission is in one hour.


  • Final exam now available

    Posted by Paul Hunter 5 years ago.

    Hi all,

    The final exam is now available here:

    Please contact me asap if you are having any difficulties accessing it. For security reasons you may need to enter your zID and zPass (possibly several times - I'm not sure why).

    A reminder that the deadline is 9am (Sydney time), Tuesday 18th August - i.e. 24 hours from now.

    You can submit as many times as you like before the deadline - so it is in your interest to submit your progress regularly and often.

    I have increased the alllowable submission size to 20Mb - but keep in mind this is a limit, not a goal.

    I will be available on Collaborate, email and answering any questions that come up on the course forums for the next two hours. Any questions after that time I will answer as soon as possible, but there may be a small delay. Any issues that are pertinent to the whole cohort I will send out as a course-wide notification, so please keep an eye on where you receive these notifications.

    All the best,


Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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