
  • Assignment & Quiz marks available

    Posted by Paul Hunter 4 years ago.

    Hi all,

    It's been a very busy couple of weeks - especially this last one. It has been 150 hours since the final exam deadline, and you guys submitted over 2000 pages of solutions that I have now read through (and given out over 15,000 marks)!

    I have finally been able to make your assignment marks (and Quiz summary) available - you can see them by looking under "Grades" at the bottom of the sidebar in webCMS. Please contact me if there are any gross errors/omissions. Although results are in the process of being finalized, it is possible to make corrections/amendments [well into next term].

    Unfortunately it is against University Policy to let you know your overall final grade (even provisionally!) before they are officially released - which will be later this week.

    This will probably be my final course-wide announcement for COMP9020. Thank you all for making it an enjoyable term (I cannot stress how much better it is when students turn up to consultations). Have an enjoyable, well-earned, break.


    PS Some statistics for you all:

    Assignment 1 Assignment 2 Assignment 3 Quiz (best 6)
    Mean 78 74.3 75 8.7
    25%-ile 72 63.5 68.5 7.9
    Median 85.5 82 81.5 9.6
    75%-ile 92.4 91 90 10
    Total pages submitted 1342 1362 1619

  • Exam: one hour remaining

    Posted by Paul Hunter 4 years ago.

    Hi all,

    This is just to remind you that the exam deadline is in one hour. Please ensure you submit in a timely manner - as stated at the start, no allowances will be made for last-minute network issues.

    Please also be aware that some students have been granted an extension under Special Consideration, so it is not appropriate to discuss any aspect of the exam until tomorrow.


  • Exam typos v2

    Posted by Paul Hunter 4 years ago, last modified 4 years ago.

    Hi all,

    To clarify, it should say

    • Eulerian circuit rather than Eulerian cycle in Q8(a), (b) and (c).
    • In Q3, f(a) = {x : x ≼ a} (i.e. the partial order, not ≤)

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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