
  • End of course

    Posted by Paul Hunter 3 years ago.

    Hi all,

    All going well, this should be the final notice you receive from me about COMP9020.

    You should be receiving your overall grade for this course tomorrow. I have made your assignment & overall quiz score visible on the course website. Please contact me if you have any questions about the marks, especially if there has been any gross omissions. I am always happy to provide feedback on marks received.

    Thank you all for your comments and feedback throughout the course. It was especially great to be back lecturing in person.

    All the best with your future endeavours,


  • Accessing the final exam (at 13:45)

    Posted by Paul Hunter 3 years ago.

    Hi all,

    The final exam will be made available at 13:45 (AEST) today.

    The link will be available on the course's Moodle site, but you can access the exam directly by logging into

    IMPORTANT: Please ensure you are logged into inspera using your SSO - if you do not see the exam, try logging out using the menu in the top right and then logging into inspera again.

    If you are unable to access the exam from 13:45, please email me immediately.

    If you have any questions/issues during the exam, please contact the central exams team immediately - they will relay your question to me and have the ability to contact the whole cohort if necessary.

    Your exam will automatically save periodically and will submit automatically when your time is up. You can manually submit earlier. It appears that there may be some contingency if you start a little after 13:45 (i.e. you should still get 3hr 15mins), but please do not rely on this.

    Please let me know if you have any further questions,


  • Post-course poll

    Posted by Paul Hunter 3 years ago.

    Hi all,

    I have added a short (one question) post-course poll which can be accessed here (or on the course website under "Activities → Post-course poll"). It is a follow-on from the pre-course poll and it helps me see what, if any, effect I've had on your way of thinking during the course (and maybe lets you reflect on how the course has impacted you).

    The slide with the details of the research project Jake was talking about last week is also now available here , or on the course website (under "Lectures → Research survey").


Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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