For Assignment 2 I have added some transparency to the assignment:

  • The inclusion of an Objectives section detailing the overall purpose of the assignment, and the goals of the individual questions
  • The inclusion of an Outcomes section detailing the skills you will gain by working on the assignment (and which particular questions will most benefit these skills)
  • The inclusion of a section with Assignment-specific hints, tips and expectations

This is a new approach that I am trialing, and to ensure it is most beneficial to you, I would like your feedback on which additions (if any) you find helpful.

Which of the following inclusions do you find beneficial (Select all that apply):

This poll has responses from 63 out of 289 course users - a 21.8% completion rate. (Note, this poll accepts multiple responses from each user - so the sum of option counts and the number of users may not match up.)

Legend (with response counts)

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