
  • Thank you

    Posted by Paul Hunter 2 years ago.

    Hi all,

    Thank you all for a fantastic term of COMP9020. I love engaging with my students, and it was great to see so many of you still coming to the lectures and consultations at the pointy end of the term - we had upwards of 20% of the cohort coming to the final lectures by the end (who knew so many of you would be willing to listen to me waffle for hours). Thank you for the positive and constructive feedback - I'm going to be spending the next week getting myself organised to do it all again next term with a special focus on the comments you all sent through.

    Your assignment, formatif and [updated] quiz marks should now be viewable on sturec:

    Please let me know if there are any major omissions - although these are the marks that were submitted for your final grade, it is still possible to make amendments for significant omissions even after your grades have been released.

    I am always happy to answer any questions you have about any assessment grade.

    Before we finish with the course, there is one last (one-question) poll for you. When filling it out, have a think about where you were at the start of the term, and what (if anything) you've learned from this course - big picture ideas, rather than things like "what a reflexive relation is"... I'd love to hear your thoughts (ed/email/in person/scrawled in icing on a chocolate cake).

    There are two things I personally hope you take away from the course:

    • I hope you now feel prepared to be able to ask and/or answer "why?" - e.g. "why does Python use Timsort?"; "why do we learn recursion?"; or "why does this algorithm work?". And I hope you use this to help add some insight into your other courses.
    • You are not alone.

    All the best in your future endeavours,


    PS For anyone interested in exploring other topics I am truly passionate about, I suggest looking at COMP4141 (T1) and/or COMP3153 (T2) next year.

  • Assignment 1 solutions and Sample questions video

    Posted by Paul Hunter 2 years ago.

    Hi all,

    I've uploaded the solutions for Assignment 1 to the course website (under Course Work → Assignments)

    I've posted a video of a walkthrough of the sample problems from the lectures (the examples at the end of the Algorithmic Analysis lecture, and the examples at the end of the Course Review lecture) - this can be found under "Lecture Recordings → Lecture 17 additional content".

    There are still some outstanding Assignment 2 submissions, so solutions for that will be delayed until these are submitted, and I'll post the quiz solutions later today.


  • Sample inspera exam available

    Posted by Paul Hunter 2 years ago.

    Hi all,

    I have enabled a sample exam in inspera (this is the exam from T3 2022). I don't currently have solutions written up for this, but if I can find some time I will try to write some up.

    Questions and solutions from the exam in T2 2022 are also available on the course website (under Additional Material → Sample exams).


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