
  • Complete textbook solutions

    Posted by Sebastian Sequoiah-Grayson Wednesday 05 June 2024, 02:48:32 PM.

    Hi everyone!

    I have added the complete textbook solutions to webcms under "Course Work". You need to click "Download" to download the zip file.

    All best,


  • Week 2 slides are up on webcms + apology!

    Posted by Sebastian Sequoiah-Grayson Tuesday 04 June 2024, 12:52:20 AM.

    Hi everyone!

    I have put all slides for Week 2 slides up on webcms just now. I must apologise. I had put the Monday slides up on Monday morning but had not changed the permissions so that is was viewable by students : (

    I have fixed the permissions and just finished the Tuesday slides a moment ago : )

    I shall try to get the slides up each week as soon as possible I promise! I know how useful it is for everyone to be able to look over them beforehand.

    See you is the Tuesday lecture, where we will all practice deductive inference in predicate logic. This is going to be a big big help when we look at number theory next week.

    Please come to the lecture today if you can, as we need to vote on something important. It is a surprise!

    All best,


  • Problem Set 1 now available

    Posted by Sebastian Sequoiah-Grayson Monday 03 June 2024, 09:07:04 AM.

    Good morning good people of 9020!

    Problem Set 1 is now available on webcms under Course Work. My advice is that you start early on this and all following problem sets. This is so that you have lots of time to think about your answers and to revise them in light of your thinking.

    Please read both the questions and instructions carefully : )

    All best,


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