
  • Supplementary Examination

    Posted by Sebastian Sequoiah-Grayson 6 months ago.

    Hi Everyone,

    I have just emailed everyone who is registered with Special Considerations for the Sup Exam.

    If you are registered with SC for the Sup Exam but did not receive and email from me with your examination details, then please email me asap. You will need to include your confirmation from SC.

    All best,


  • Apologies to all of our international students

    Posted by Sebastian Sequoiah-Grayson 6 months ago.

    Hello everyone,

    I am messaging you to apologise with all of my heart for the horrible international student caps proposal put forward by the Australian government.

    Many of you reading this are international students, and I am heartbroken that my government is bullying you. They are bullying you because it is politically convenient for them to do so, and that they know that you cannot fight back at the voting booth.

    This is what bullying is - to leverage power over someone weaker than you, for mere personal gain.

    I apologise also for the mean and horrid narratives in the Australian media right now. International students are being spoken about as though you are a crude resource. The people saying these things should know better.

    Bullying international students is not wrong because it threatens the money that you spend here - it is not wrong because it threatens the fees that you pay that fund Australian universities - nor it is wrong because it threatens the "labour value" that you bring to our wonderful country.

    It is wrong because it is cruel.

    Cruelness is always wrong, and I have never been so ashamed.

    Those of you reading this who are not international students, please be kind and courageous, and support our international friends.

    I am proud of each and every single one of you. I am honoured to be your teacher. My government must not be allowed to get away with this legislation. I shall fight for you.



  • Exam results!

    Posted by Sebastian Sequoiah-Grayson 6 months ago.

    Congratulations everyone!

    Well done on your exams, and well done to all of your loyal tutors. The tutors moved heaven and earth to mark your exams as quickly and carefully as possible. Each questions was marked by the same marker(s), and all markers were in the same room together for the duration of the marking. There was a lot of discussion in order to ensure that the marks were fair and accurate. I was in and out of the room frequently, and part of a lot of the conversations.

    As things stand (but read on), we have the following average marks:

    Final Exam Average: 63.89%

    Final Mark Average: 68.96%

    These will increase! There are a number of people who have not yet sat the exam, and will be taking the supplementary.

    Three cheers to all of you - and have a wonderful time before Term 3 - which is very very very very very soon....

    All best,


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