
  • Formatif task W4.P3

    Posted by Paul Hunter 3 days ago.

    Hi all,

    This week's formatif task W4.P3 asks you to discuss your findings with your tutor. It is preferable that you do this in person (in your tutorial). So please make sure you attend your tutorials this week.



  • No HD formatif task this week

    Posted by Paul Hunter 11 days ago.

    Hi all,

    Because of a number of complications with the planned Week 3 HD task, we have chosen to remove the HD task due this Monday.

    We will update it with an extra HD task which will be due Monday week 5.


  • Lecture 2 additional content

    Posted by Paul Hunter 25 days ago.

    Hi all,

    Because the end of lecture 2 was cut short (and a bit rushed) I have posted a follow-up recording to "Lecture recordings". This covers the last few minutes of the lecture, the proofs that were omitted due to time, and the last couple of slides of the topic.

    I will be reviewing the last few slides again on Monday in case you have any questions/comments, but I encourage you to look at the recording as I was able to cover things with a bit more detail - including how to start writing proofs.


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There is nothing due!


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