# Describes all sets of positive integers {x, y, z} such that
# x, y and z have no occurrence of 0,
# every nonzero digit occurs exactly once in one of x, y or z,
# and x, y and z are perfect squares.
# Encodes a set of digits as a natural number.
# Written by Eric Martin for COMP9021

from math import sqrt, ceil
from bit_set import set_encoding

def encoding_if_ok(number, encoded_number):
    while number:
        # Extract rightmost digit, d, from number
        digit = number % 10
        # Check that that d is not encoded in encoded_number
        if 1 << digit & encoded_number:
            return None
        # Add encoding of d to encoded_number
        encoded_number |= 1 << digit
        # Get rid of rightmost digit of number
        number //= 10
    return encoded_number

# If it was a perfect square, max_square would, associated with 1 and 4,
# be the largest member of a possible solution. */
max_square = 9876532
nb_of_solutions = 0
limit = ceil(sqrt(max_square))
encoding_of_all_digits = set_encoding(set(range(10)))
for x in range(1, limit):
    x_square = x * x
    # encoded_0_and_x_square is not None
    # iff all digits in x_square are distinct and not equal to 0
    # (encoded as 1)
    encoded_0_and_x_square = encoding_if_ok(x_square, 1)
    if not encoded_0_and_x_square:
    for y in range(x + 1, limit):
        y_square = y * y
        # encoded_0_and_x_square_and_y_square is not None
        # iff all digits in y_square are distinct, distinct to 0,
        # and distinct to all digits in x_square
        encoded_0_and_x_square_and_y_square =\
                           encoding_if_ok(y_square, encoded_0_and_x_square)
        if not encoded_0_and_x_square_and_y_square:
        for z in range(y + 1, limit):
            z_square = z * z
            # encoded_0_and_x_square_and_y_square_and_z_square is not None
            # iff all digits in z_square are distinct, distinct to 0,
            # and distinct to all digits in x_square and y_square
            encoded_0_and_x_square_and_y_square_and_z_square =\
                  encoding_if_ok(z_square, encoded_0_and_x_square_and_y_square)
            if not encoded_0_and_x_square_and_y_square_and_z_square:
            if encoded_0_and_x_square_and_y_square_and_z_square !=\
            print('{:7d} {:7d} {:7d}'.format(x_square, y_square, z_square))
            nb_of_solutions += 1
print('\nAltogether, {:} solutions have been found.'.format(nb_of_solutions))

Resource created 10 years ago, last modified 10 years ago.

file: three_special_perfect_squares_v2.py


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