# Written by Eric Martin for COMP9021
from tkinter import *
import tkinter.messagebox
import tkinter.simpledialog
from random import randint
class ElementaryCellularAutomata(Tk):
def __init__(self):
self.title('Elementary Cellular Automata')
menubar = Menu()
help_menu = Menu(menubar)
menubar.add_cascade(label = 'Elementary Cellular Automaton Help',
menu = help_menu)
help_menu.add_command(label = 'Input', command = self.input_help)
self.config(menu = menubar)
self.input = Entry(self, width = 8)
self.previous_rule_number = None
self.displaying_random_history = False
self.shown_rule_number = StringVar()
Label(self, width = 9,
height = 1,
textvariable = self.shown_rule_number,
fg = 'magenta'
).grid(row = 0, column = 1)
self.shown_rule = Canvas(self, width = 250, height = 50)
self.shown_rule.grid(row = 0, column = 1, columnspan = 2,
padx = (100, 0), pady = 10)
Button(self, text = 'Display history from single 1',
command = self.work_from_single_1).grid(padx = (40, 0))
self.shown_related_rule_numbers = StringVar()
Label(self, width = 87,
height = 1,
textvariable = self.shown_related_rule_numbers
).grid(row = 1, column = 1)
Button(self, text = 'Display history from random state',
command = self.work_from_random_state).grid(row = 1,
column = 2,
padx = (0, 40))
self.history = Canvas(self, width = NB_OF_STEPS * 4 + 3,
height = NB_OF_STEPS * 2 + 5,
self.history.grid(columnspan = 3, pady = 20)
def input_help(self):
'The input should be a nonnegative integer at most '
'equal to 255, represented either in base 10 or in base 2 with '
'exactly 8 bits.')
def get_rule(self):
input = self.input.get()
self.input.delete(0, END)
if input == '':
if self.previous_rule_number == None:
tkinter.messagebox.showerror('Rule error',
'Please input a rule number')
return False
return None
if not input.isdigit():
return False
if len(input) == 8:
self.rule_number = int(input, 2)
except ValueError:
return False
self.rule_bits = input
if len(input) > 1 and input[0] == '0':
return False
self.rule_number = int(input)
if self.rule_number >= 2 ** 8:
return False
self.rule_bits = '{:08b}'.format(self.rule_number)
self.rule = {}
# A rule R that in binary, is coded as
# b_0 b_1 b_2 b_2 b_2 b_2 b_6 b_7
# maps
# (0, 0, 0) to b_7
# (0, 0, 1) to b_6
# (0, 1, 0) to b_5
# (0, 1, 1) to b_4
# (1, 0, 0) to b_3
# (1, 0, 1) to b_2
# (1, 1, 0) to b_1
# (1, 1, 1) to b_0
for i in range(8):
self.rule[i // 4, i // 2 % 2, i % 2] = int(self.rule_bits[7 - i])
return True
def display_rule_information(self):
self.input.delete(0, END)
self.shown_rule_number.set('Rule ' + str(self.rule_number))
mirrored_rule_number = int(self.mirror(self.rule_bits), 2)
# Complementation exchanges the roles of 0 and 1,
# so the complementary rule of a rule R maps
# (a, b, c) to not R(not a, not b, not c).
# Hence if R is the rule that in binary, is coded as
# b_0 b_1 b_2 b_3 b_4 b_5 b_6 b_7
# then the complementary of R is coded in binary as
# ~b_7 ~b_6 ~b_5 ~b_4 ~b_3 ~b_2 ~b_1 ~b_0
complementary_rule_bits =\
self.rule_bits[: : -1].translate(str.maketrans('01', '10'))
complementary_rule_number = int(complementary_rule_bits, 2)
mirrored_complementary_rule_number =\
int(self.mirror(complementary_rule_bits), 2)
'Mirrored rule: ' +
str(mirrored_rule_number) +
' Complementary rule: ' +
str(complementary_rule_number) +
' Mirrored complementary rule: ' +
self.shown_rule.create_line(5, 5, 245, 5)
self.shown_rule.create_line(5, 25, 245, 25)
self.shown_rule.create_line(5, 45, 245, 45)
for i in range(9):
self.shown_rule.create_line(i * 30 + 5, 5, i * 30 + 5, 45)
for i in range(8):
self.shown_rule.create_text(i * 30 + 20, 15,
text = '{:03b}'.format(7 - i))
self.shown_rule.create_text(i * 30 + 20, 35,
text = self.rule_bits[i])
def warn_of_incorrect_input(self):
tkinter.messagebox.showerror('Rule error', 'Incorrect rule number')
self.input.delete(0, END)
def mirror(self, rule_bits):
# Reflection through a vertical axis,
# so the mirrored rule of a rule R maps
# (a, b, c) to R(c, b, a):
# - (0, 0, 0) ---0--- to R(0, 0, 0) ---0---
# - (0, 0, 1) ---1--- to R(1, 0, 0) ---4---
# - (0, 1, 0) ---2--- to R(0, 1, 0) ---2---
# - (0, 1, 1) ---3--- to R(1, 1, 0) ---6---
# - (1, 0, 0) ---4--- to R(0, 0, 1) ---1---
# - (1, 0, 1) ---5--- to R(1, 0, 1) ---5---
# - (1, 1, 0) ---6--- to R(0, 1, 1) ---3---
# - (1, 1, 1) ---7--- to R(1, 1, 1) ---7---
return ''.join([self.rule_bits[0], self.rule_bits[4],
self.rule_bits[2], self.rule_bits[6],
self.rule_bits[1], self.rule_bits[5],
self.rule_bits[3], self.rule_bits[7]])
def work_from_single_1(self):
input = self.get_rule()
if input == False:
if input == None or self.previous_rule_number == self.rule_number:
if self.displaying_history_from_single_1:
line[0][NB_OF_STEPS] = 1
self.history.create_rectangle(2 * NB_OF_STEPS + 3, 5,
2 * NB_OF_STEPS + 5, 7,
# line[0] and line[1] will alternatively play the roles
# of a line and the following line, the latter being determined
# from the former.
line = [0] * (2 * NB_OF_STEPS + 1), [0] * (2 * NB_OF_STEPS + 1)
# Just a 1 in the middle
a = False
for i in range(1, NB_OF_STEPS - 1):
line_a = line[a]
line_not_a = line[not a]
# .x.
# .xxx.
# .xxxxx.
# .xxxxxxx.
# Triangle increases by one cell
# on each side for each new line.
# All cells beyond the boundaries of the triangle
# and on the same side have the same state,
# which is also computed
# (assigned to both "dots" around the x's) ...
for j in range(NB_OF_STEPS - i - 1, NB_OF_STEPS + i + 2):
self.compute_cell_state(line_a, line_not_a, j)
# ... and propagated on the left side ...
for j in range(NB_OF_STEPS - i - 1):
line_not_a[j] = line_not_a[NB_OF_STEPS - i - 1]
# ... and propagated on the right side.
for j in range(NB_OF_STEPS + i + 2, 2 * NB_OF_STEPS + 1):
line_not_a[j] = line_not_a[NB_OF_STEPS + i + 1]
a = not a
self.display_history_line(line, a, i, 0)
line_a = line[a]
line_not_a = line[not a]
# For the last line, we do not compute the state
# beyond the boundary of the triangle
# (no assignment to both "dots" around the x's)
for j in range(1, 2 * NB_OF_STEPS):
self.compute_cell_state(line_a, line_not_a, j)
self.display_history_line(line, not a, NB_OF_STEPS - 1, 0)
self.previous_rule_number = self.rule_number
self.displaying_history_from_single_1 = True
def work_from_random_state(self):
if self.get_rule() == False:
if self.previous_rule_number != self.rule_number:
# .............
# ....xxxxx....
# ....xxxxx....
# ....xxxxx....
# ....xxxxx....
# We need to generate about twice as many random numbers
# as the number of lines being displayed, because
# - the leftmost x on the last row depends on
# the last . before the first x on the last row,
# - which depends on the second last .
# before the first x on the second last row,
# - which depends on the third last .
# before the first x on the third last row
# ...
line = ([randint(0, 1) for _ in range(4 * NB_OF_STEPS - 2)],
[0] * (4 * NB_OF_STEPS - 2))
self.display_history_line(line, 0, 0, NB_OF_STEPS - 2)
a = False
for i in range(1, NB_OF_STEPS):
line_a = line[a]
line_not_a = line[not a]
for j in range(i, 4 * NB_OF_STEPS - 2 - i):
self.compute_cell_state(line_a, line_not_a, j)
a = not a
self.display_history_line(line, a, i, NB_OF_STEPS - 2)
self.previous_rule_number = self.rule_number
self.displaying_history_from_single_1 = False
def display_history_line(self, line, a, i, offset):
line_a = line[a]
for j in range(1, 2 * NB_OF_STEPS):
if line_a[j + offset]:
self.history.create_rectangle(2 * j + 3, 2 * i + 5,
2 * j + 5, 2 * i + 7,
def compute_cell_state(self, previous_line, line, j):
line[j] = self.rule[previous_line[j - 1],
previous_line[j + 1]]
if __name__ == '__main__':
Resource created 10 years ago, last modified 10 years ago.