# Prints out a conversion table of temperatures from Fahrenheit
# to Celsius degrees, with the former ranging from 0 to 300 in steps of 20.
# Written by Eric Martin for COMP9021

min_temperature = 0
max_temperature = 300
step = 20

# \t: A tab
# We let fahrenheit take the values
# - min_temperature
# - min_temperature + step
# - min_temperature + 2 * step
# - min_temperature + 3 * step
# ...
# up to the largest value smaller than max_temperature + step
for fahrenheit in range(min_temperature, max_temperature + step, step):
    celsius = 5 * (fahrenheit - 32) / 9
    # {:10d}:  fahrenheit as a decimal number in a field of width 10
    # {:7.1f}: celsius as a floating point number in a field of width 7
    #          with 1 digit after the decimal point
    print('{:10d}\t{:7.1f}'.format(fahrenheit, celsius))

Resource created Wednesday 05 August 2015, 11:38:37 AM, last modified Wednesday 05 August 2015, 11:38:52 AM.

file: fahrenheit_to_celsius.py

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