# Generates a list of 20 random integers between 0 and 99,
# prints out the list, computes the maximum element of the list,
# and prints it out.
# Written by Eric Martin for COMP9021
from random import randint
# Start with an empty list.
L = []
# We use "for _ in range(20)" to loop 20 times
for _ in range(20):
# Randomly generates an integer between 0 and 99, and
# adds it to the end of the list L.
L.append(randint(0, 99))
# A this stage,
# - L[0] denotes the first randomnly generated number
# - L[1] denotes the second randomnly generated number
# ...
# - L[19] denotes the twentieth randomnly generated number
print('The list is:' , L)
max_element = 0
# We use "for i in range(20)" to let i take the values
# 0, 1, 2, ... 19
for i in range(20):
# If the (i+1)st element in the list, L[i], is greater than
# the largest number seen before, then L[i] becomes the largest
# element seen so far, recorded as max_element.
if L[i] > max_element:
max_element = L[i]
print('The maximum number in this list is:', max_element)
# Of course there is an easier way;
# as so often, python just makes it too easy!
print('Again, the maximum number in this list is:', max(L))
Resource created Wednesday 05 August 2015, 11:39:31 AM, last modified Wednesday 05 August 2015, 11:39:42 AM.
file: max_in_list.py