# Written by Eric Martin for COMP9021
from tkinter import *
from random import randrange
class CardShuffling(Tk):
def __init__(self):
self.title('Card Shuffling Simulator')
display = Frame(self, bd = 50)
display.grid(column = 7)
# self. is necessary to avoid that the variable
# be garbage collected after the class has been created
self.card_images = [None] * DECK_SIZE
self.cards_to_display = [None] * DECK_SIZE
for i in range(DECK_SIZE):
self.card_images[i] = PhotoImage(file = 'Cards/' +
str(i + 1) +
self.cards_to_display[i] = Canvas(display, width = 74,
height = 100,
Button(display, text = 'Reset', command = self.reset).grid(
row = 4, column = 4, pady = 40)
Button(display, text = 'Shuffle', command = self.shuffle).grid(
row = 4, column = 8)
Label(display, text = 'Number of times the deck '
'has been shuffled:').grid(
row = 5, column = 5, columnspan = 4)
self.shuffles = 0
self.nb_of_times_shuffled = StringVar()
Label(display, width = 2,
height = 1,
textvariable = self.nb_of_times_shuffled).grid(
row = 5, column = 9)
# deck[0] and deck[1] will alternatively play the roles
# of a deck before and after shuffling, the latter being determined
# from the former.
self.deck = [list(range(DECK_SIZE)), [None] * 52]
self.switch = True
def reset(self):
deck = self.deck[self.switch]
deck[0: DECK_SIZE] = range(DECK_SIZE)
self.shuffles = 0
def shuffle(self):
# Binomial distribution to determine where to cut.
# Flip a coin 52 times and let the number
# of heads and tails (say, 0 and 1, respectively)
# determine the sizes of stack_1 and stack_2, respectively.
cut = 0
for _ in range(DECK_SIZE):
cut += randrange(2)
if cut == 0 or cut == DECK_SIZE:
deck_before = self.deck[self.switch]
deck_after = self.deck[not self.switch]
i = 0
stack_1_i = 0
stack_2_i = cut
both_stacks_size = DECK_SIZE
# The probability of letting the lower card from stack_1
# rather than the lower card from stack_2 join deck_after
# is given by the size of stack_1 divided by
# the sum of the sizes of both stacks; e.g.:
# - 1/3 is the size of stack_1 is half the size of stack_2,
# - 1/2 if both stacks are of equal size,
# - 2/3 is the size of stack_1 is twice the size of stack_2.
while stack_1_i < cut and stack_2_i < DECK_SIZE:
which_stack = randrange(both_stacks_size)
both_stacks_size -= 1
if which_stack < cut - stack_1_i:
deck_after[i] = deck_before[stack_1_i]
i += 1
stack_1_i += 1
deck_after[i] = deck_before[stack_2_i]
i += 1
stack_2_i += 1
# Only cards from stack_1 are left.
if stack_1_i < cut:
deck_after[i: DECK_SIZE] =\
deck_before[stack_1_i: stack_1_i + DECK_SIZE - i]
# Only cards from stack_2 are left.
deck_after[i: DECK_SIZE] =\
deck_before[stack_2_i: stack_2_i + DECK_SIZE - i]
self.switch = not self.switch
self.shuffles += 1
def display_deck(self):
deck = self.deck[self.switch]
for i in range(DECK_SIZE):
# Ace to King of Hearts, then
# Ace to King of Clubs, then
# King to Ace of Diamonds, then
# King to Ace of Spades.
self.cards_to_display[i].create_image(40, 53,
image = self.card_images[deck[i]])
self.cards_to_display[i].grid(row = i // 13, column = i % 13)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Resource created Wednesday 12 August 2015, 10:02:07 AM.
file: card_shuffling.py