# Given 2 words, creates an object which can provide the levenshtein distance
# between both words, the alignments of minimal cost between both words,
# and the display of those alignments.
# The costs for insertion, deletion and substitution are set by default
# to 1, 1 and 2, respectively, but can be changed.
# Written by Eric Martin for COMP9021

class levenshtein_distance:
    '''Given two words word_1 and word_2, builds a table of distances
    and backtraces for the initial segments of word_1 and word_2,
    from which the Levenshtein distance between both words can be computed,
    as well as the possible alignments of minimal distance between
    both words.'''
    def __init__(self, word_1, word_2, insertion_cost = 1,
                                       deletion_cost = 1,
                                       substitution_cost = 2):
        self.word_1 = word_1
        self.word_2 = word_2
        self.word_1_length = len(word_1)
        self.word_2_length = len(word_2)
        self.insertion_cost = insertion_cost
        self.deletion_cost = deletion_cost
        self.substitution_cost = substitution_cost
        self._table = self._get_distances_and_backtraces_table()
        self._backtraces = [[self._table[i][j][1]
                                  for j in range(self.word_2_length + 1)]
                                       for i in range(self.word_1_length + 1)]
        self.aligned_pairs = self.get_aligned_pairs()
    def _get_distances_and_backtraces_table(self):
        N_1 = self.word_1_length + 1
        N_2 = self.word_2_length + 1
        # 'H' is for horizontal, corresponding to a deletion,
        # 'V' is for vertical, corresponding to an insertion, and
        # 'D' for diagonal, corresponding to a substitution
        d = {'H' : 0, 'V' : 0, 'D' : 0}
        # Think of table as a sequence of columns, read from left to right,
        # each column beging read from bottom to top, with word_1 and word_2
        # positioned as follows.
        #  2
        #  _
        #  d
        #  r
        #  o
        #  w
        #  .
        #    . w o r d _ 1
        # Each position in the sequence of columns will record the minimal
        # cost of aligning the corresponding initial segment of word_1
        # with the corresponding initial segment of word_2, and also the last
        # move -- horizontal, vertical, diagonal -- from a neighbouring
        # position -- left, below, of left and below, respectively -- that can
        # yield this minimal cost.
        table = [[[0, []] for j in range(N_2)] for i in range(N_1)]
        # Bottom row: cost of deleting more and more letters from word_1.
        for i in range(1, N_1):
            table[i][0] = [i, ['H']]
        # Leftmost column: cost of insertion more and more letters from word_2.
        for j in range(1, N_2):
            table[0][j] = [j, ['V']]
        # Processing all other rows from bottom to top,
        # and each row from left to right, determine the cost
        # of each possible operation:
        # - deleting current letter (of index i-1) of word_1,
        # - inserting current letter (of index j-1) of word_2,
        # - matching or substituting currents letters of word_1 and word_2.
        for i in range(1, N_1):
            for j in range(1, N_2):
                d['H'] = table[i - 1][j][0] + self.deletion_cost
                d['V'] = table[i][j - 1][0] + self.insertion_cost
                if self.word_1[i - 1] == self.word_2[j - 1]:
                    d['D'] = table[i - 1][j - 1][0]
                    d['D'] = table[i - 1][j - 1][0] + self.substitution_cost
                # Sorting by cost, keeping track of the associated direction.
                distances_and_directions = sorted([(d[x], x) for x in d])
                # Mininal cost...
                table[i][j][0] = distances_and_directions[0][0]
                # ... and its associated direction...
                # ... together with the second direction if associated cost
                # is the same...
                if distances_and_directions[1][0] ==\
                    # ... together with the third direction if associated cost
                    # is the same.
                    if distances_and_directions[2][0] ==\
        return table
    # Taking pope and paper as an example,
    # since (po*pe*, p*aper) is one of the best aligned pairs,
    # entwined_aligned_pairs will eventually record it
    # (together with all other alignments of minimal cost) as
    # *reepp*ao*pp: po*pe* and p*aper are processed from right to left
    # and entwined.
    # We start at the top right corner of _backtraces, where we find
    # the last directions taken to get there at minimal cost.
    def _compute_alignments(self, i, j, entwined_aligned_pairs):
        # we have reached the lower left corner, so all possible
        # best alignments have been gathered.
        if i == j == 0:
        deletion_pairs = []
        insertion_pairs = []
        substitution_pairs = []
        for direction in self._backtraces[i][j]:
            # entwined_aligned_pairs is the list of all final segments of the
            # best alignments from where we are now to the top right corner,
            # on our way to the bottom left corner.
            # We extend all the best alignments in all directions possible.
            if direction == 'H':
                deletion_pairs = [pair + self.word_1[i - 1] + '*'
                                           for pair in entwined_aligned_pairs]
                self._compute_alignments(i - 1, j, deletion_pairs)
            elif direction == 'V':
                insertion_pairs = [pair + '*' + self.word_2[j - 1]
                                           for pair in entwined_aligned_pairs]
                self._compute_alignments(i, j - 1, insertion_pairs)
                substitution_pairs = [pair + self.word_1[i - 1] +
                                                       self.word_2[j - 1]
                                           for pair in entwined_aligned_pairs]
                self._compute_alignments(i - 1, j - 1, substitution_pairs)
        # When the up to three calls to _compute_alignments() have returned,
        # all possible complete extensions of the final segments of the best
        # alignments we had recorded before those calls, and that we needed
        # to make those calls, have been built.
        # We get rid of these finals segments and replace them by all complete
        # best alignments that are now available. 
        entwined_aligned_pairs.extend(deletion_pairs +
                                      insertion_pairs +
    def distance(self):
        '''Returns the Levenshtein distance equal to the minimum number
        of deletions, insertions and substitutions needed to transform
        the first word into the second word, with deletions and insertions
        incurring a cost of 1, and substitutions incurring a cost of 2.

        >>> levenshtein_distance('', '').distance()

        >>> levenshtein_distance('abcde', '').distance()

        >>> levenshtein_distance('', 'abcde').distance()

        >>> levenshtein_distance('a', 'a').distance()

        >>> levenshtein_distance('a', 'b').distance()
        >>> levenshtein_distance('aa', 'a').distance()
        >>> levenshtein_distance('paris', 'london').distance()
        >>> levenshtein_distance('pope', 'paper').distance()
        >>> levenshtein_distance('depart', 'leopard').distance()
        return self._table[self.word_1_length][self.word_2_length][0]

    def get_aligned_pairs(self):
        '''Returns the list of all possible ways to transform the first word
        into the second word and minimising the Levenshtein distance.
        >>> levenshtein_distance('', '').get_aligned_pairs()
        [('', '')]

        >>> levenshtein_distance('abcde', '').get_aligned_pairs()
        [('abcde', '*****')]
        >>> levenshtein_distance('', 'abcde').get_aligned_pairs()
        [('*****', 'abcde')]

        >>> levenshtein_distance('a', 'a').get_aligned_pairs()
        [('a', 'a')]

        >>> levenshtein_distance('a', 'b').get_aligned_pairs()
        [('*a', 'b*'), ('a*', '*b'), ('a', 'b')]

        >>> levenshtein_distance('aa', 'a').get_aligned_pairs()
        [('aa', 'a*'), ('aa', '*a')]

        >>> levenshtein_distance('pope', 'paper').get_aligned_pairs()
        [('p*ope*', 'pa*per'), ('po*pe*', 'p*aper'), ('pope*', 'paper')]
        >>> len(levenshtein_distance('paris', 'london').get_aligned_pairs())
        entwined_aligned_pairs = ['']
        aligned_pairs = []
        for pair in entwined_aligned_pairs:
            n = len(pair) // 2 - 1
            word_1 = ''.join([pair[2 * i] for i in range(n, -1, -1)])
            word_2 = ''.join([pair[2 * i + 1] for i in range(n, -1, -1)])
            aligned_pairs.append((word_1, word_2))
        return aligned_pairs

    def display_all_aligned_pairs(self):
        '''Displays all possible ways to transform the first word
        into the second word and minimising the Levenshtein distance.

        >>> levenshtein_distance('depart', 'leopard').display_all_aligned_pairs()
        for pair in self.aligned_pairs[ :-1]:
            print(pair[0], '\n', pair[1], '\n', sep = '')
        print(self.aligned_pairs[-1][0], '\n',
              self.aligned_pairs[-1][1], sep = '')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import doctest

Resource created Wednesday 09 September 2015, 12:12:48 PM.

file: levenshtein_distance.py

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