# Randomly fills a grid of size 10 x 10 with 0s and 1s
# and computes the size of the largest area with a checkers pattern.
# Written by Eric Martin for COMP9021

import sys
from random import seed, randint

dim = 10
grid = [[None] * dim for _ in range(dim)]

def display_grid():
    for i in range(dim):
        print('    ', end = '')
        for j in range(dim):
            if grid[i][j]:
                print(' 1', end = '')
                print(' 0', end = '')

def explore_from(i, j):
    color = grid[i][j]
    grid[i][j] += 2
    area = 1
    if i and grid[i - 1][j] == 1 - color:
        area += explore_from(i - 1, j)
    if i < dim - 1 and grid[i + 1][j] == 1 - color:
        area += explore_from(i + 1, j)
    if j and grid[i][j - 1] == 1 - color:
        area += explore_from(i, j - 1)
    if j < dim - 1 and grid[i][j + 1] == 1 - color:
        area += explore_from(i, j + 1)
    return area

provided_input = input('Enter 2 integers, '
                       'the second one being nonnegative: ')
provided_input = provided_input.split()
if len(provided_input) != 2:
    print('Incorrect input, giving up.')
    seed_arg, density, = (int(i) for i in provided_input)
    if density < 0:
        raise ValueError
    print('Incorrect input, giving up.')

# We fill the grid with randomly generated 0s and 1s,
# with for every cell, a probability of 1/(density + 1) to generate a 0.
for i in range(dim):
    for j in range(dim):
        grid[i][j] = int(randint(0, density) != 0)
print('Here is the grid that has been generated:')

max_size_of_region_with_checkers_structure = 0
for i in range(dim):
    for j in range(dim):
        if grid[i][j] < 2:
            size = explore_from(i, j);
            if size > max_size_of_region_with_checkers_structure:
                max_size_of_region_with_checkers_structure = size
print('The size of the largest area with a checkers structure '
      'is {}'.format(max_size_of_region_with_checkers_structure))


Resource created 9 years ago.

file: quiz_5_sol.py


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