
  • Final Results

    Posted by Michael Thielscher 6 years ago.

    Your result in the final exam, grade and rank in the course are now available from WebCMS3 or your CSE account using

    9024 classrun -sturec
    • Exam: This is your mark for the final exam.
    • Feedback: If you click on the download link (on WebCMS3), you can obtain detailed feedback on the marking criteria and your marks for the individual questions. Alternatively, you can get the feedback from your CSE account using
      9024 classrun -collect Feedback
    • Grade: This is your overall mark and grade for this course. Your overall mark is the sum of the marks for the final exam, the mid-term test and the two assignments, provided that Exam ≥ 25; otherwise your mark is calculated as Exam * 100/60.
    • Rank: Your relative rank in the class.
    • Score+Supp: If you did not pass but achieved an overall Score ≥47, then you qualify for the "compassion supp exam," in which you have to score ≥50% to pass with a final mark of 50. All students eligible for the supp will be informed about the exact date, time and location in due course.

    If you want to further discuss your marks with me, please come to see me tomorrow (Tuesday, 27 November), from 2-4pm.

    Congratulations to the following students for scoring 90 or higher:

    Weiyou Wang
    Heloise Huang
    Daniel Hocking
    Daniel Krishnapillai
    William McDonald

    Well done!

    A special mention to Jian Gao for being the most prolific and Daniel Hocking for being the most helpful contributor to the forum throughout the course.

    Have a great semester break, everyone, and best of luck with your future studies.


  • Reminder: myExperience and Pre-exam Consultation

    Posted by Michael Thielscher 6 years ago.

    Just a reminder that today is your last chance: If you have not yet done so, I want to strongly encourage you to fill in a short questionnaire to provide feedback on (login using your zID@ ad. and your zPass).

    Also a reminder that I will be back from an overseas conference ( 🌵 ) next week and available for pre-exam consultation on Thursday, 8 Nov, 14:00-16:00 in room 401K, K17.

  • Assignment 2 Marked

    Posted by Michael Thielscher 6 years ago.

    You can now fetch your marked assignment 2, with some feedback, from WebCMS3 or by using

    9024 classrun -collect assn2

    A few additional explanations of the marking scheme:

    • 0.5 style marks were deducted for programs with multiple style problems such as inconsistent indentation, magic numbers, very long main functions, lack of commenting, use of global variables, bad variable or function names. 1.0 marks deducted for really bad style.
    • 1 mark deducted for not freeing memory properly, illegal memory access or uninitialised variables. Be sure to always free memory; checking with Valgrind is often a good idea.
    • As demonstrated in the lecture, the correct complexity for Task A was in most cases either O(mn^2) or O(m^2n^2) depending on the implementation. The correct complexity for Task B was either O(2^n) or O(n2^n). Partial marks were awarded for correctly identifying the O(n^2) part for task A and for recognising that part B requires a non-polynomial complexity, provided proper explanations were given.
    • In accordance with the assignment specifications, programs with compiler errors received generally very low marks. Be sure to always test that your program compiles correctly.

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