
  • Marking and final notice

    Posted by Albert Nymeyer Friday 06 September 2019, 02:04:14 AM.

    It's been an intensive last 3 weeks of marking and processing. The results were submitted yesterday. Here are some observations:

    • I've opened just the 4 assessment marks ASST1, ASST2, MIDTRM, EXAM, and they are all percentages. The reason is that only these 4 marks are sent to the university, and they calculate your final mark, using the proportions 10%, 15%, 15%, 60% (respectively).
    • Assignment 2 was the done brilliantly, with a very large number scoring close to 100%.
    • I have received a few complaints about the penalty for using globals in Assignment 2. I was surprised anybody used them at all as I have said many times in lectures that globals are strictly forbidden. They had to carry the heaviest penalty.
    • The final exam was done well, and there was a big improvement in coding overall when compared to the mid-term exam. The theory in the final exam was where many lost marks. Nobody got 100% in the theory, but 2 got just one answer wrong. A large number got close to 100% in the exam coding.
    • I have no control over supplementary examinations. The list is compiled by Student Administration who tell me who is entitled to a supplementary, based on those that have applied for Special Consideration.
    • I do apologise for not responding to the many emails and forum queries over the last week, but the marking has been a great deal of work for Harrison, Kevin and myself, and it has not been possible to consider individual cases.
    • Special thanks to Harrison and Kevin for their diligence and competence. Both have now moved on and are no longer associated with the course.
    • A big thank you for your conduct in lectures. You have been the best-behaved, most attentive audience that I have ever taught.

  • Final examination preparation

    Posted by Albert Nymeyer Tuesday 27 August 2019, 03:15:13 PM.

    Please read the examination preparatory notes I have written under the 'Final exam' link on the left.

  • Mid-term results

    Posted by Albert Nymeyer Tuesday 20 August 2019, 10:27:45 AM.

    You can 'collect' your results for the mid-term by using the command
    9024 classrun -collect midexam

    • all questions are worth 10 marks
    • I compiled/executed every program personally
    • the automarking sometimes failed e.g. because a main() was not present, but I marked a corrected version. I often did more testing than the automark testcases.

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