Dear COMP9024 Student,
I want to thank everyone for your detailed feedback on myExperience. I was happy to see a response rate of over 50% and that everyone who gave feedback was satisfied with this course. The small weekly assignments were unanimously confirmed to be helpful. Some of you suggested to have a self-guided study week not after the first lecture (to practice C programming) but later. I will take this on board for the next course offering, with the extra week either before the midterm assessment (to give more time to prepare) or after (to provide some free time to get started with the large programming assignment).
Enjoy your well-deserved break,
You can access your scoresheet on WebCMS3 (in the row labelled "Scoresheet") or by using
9024 classrun -collect Scoresheet
If you have any further question about the marking, please email me your zID by the end of tomorrow (Thursday) and come to my consultation on Friday, 13 December, 2-3pm.
You can now fetch your marked assignment, with some feedback, from WebCMS3 or by using
9024 classrun -collect assn
I thought you might be interested in the details about the ten test cases that were used for scoring. You can find these under Assignment -> FAQ.
If you have any further question about your assignment mark, please contact our tutor Sahil; see Assignment -> FAQ.
Just a reminder that today is your last chance: If you have not yet done so, I want to strongly encourage you to fill in a short questionnaire to provide feedback on (login using your zID@ ad. and your zPass). Past feedback has been used to improve the course; the weekly quizzes/small coding assignments are an example.
Be reminded also about today's pre-exam consultation at 14:00-15:00 if you have any questions that you'd like to discuss in person rather than on the course forum.
A gentle reminder that the assignment is due tomorrow morning (Tuesday 11am). Ensure that you submit all necessary files including the header and implementation files of each ADT that you are using.
Please note also the early due date for this week's homework (Friday 11am). Only 1 program to submit this time, and today's lecture had everything you need to know for this exercise.
At the end of today's lecture I advised everyone to have a look at the vertex cover problem yourself. However, while this week's problem set included an exercise on this, the quiz does not, and I will explain the algorithm+example on Monday.
If anyone is missing their mobile phone after today's lecture, you can come to my office now to collect it, or email me.
There was a small glitch in Moodle with the auto-marking for question 4 that affected some of you. This has been fixed, and the quiz has been re-marked. Please check your updated result and verify against the sample solution to exercise 3b on the course webpage.
Congratulations everyone for finishing the mid-term test.
All incorrectly formatted answers that were otherwise correct have now been manually re-marked and awarded 50%.
Kudos to the 5 students who scored a perfect 12/12. If you scored below 6, I recommend that you come to one of my next consultations and/or attend the weekly help lab on Fridays.
A reminder that the online test will start at 2:30pm today and finish at 3:35pm or 1hr after you've started it.
Logon to Moodle to access the test (under the heading "Assessments"):
Good luck, everyone
The question that one of you asked during the lecture today convinced me that it wasn’t entirely clear under which assumptions (for the array-of-edges representation) the comparison of the memory requirements should be made.
The sample solution assumes that you allocate just enough space to store all the edges in the given graph. Whereas on the slides it’s suggested that you may allocate enough memory for up to the maximum possible number of edges. I will therefore also count all answers that are correct under this assumption. The quiz has already been regraded. Please wait up to 12 hours before updated marks show up on WebCMS too.
You can now fetch your marked submission from WebCMS, or by using
9024 classrun -collect week4
A few comments/hints:
A friendly reminder that the first quiz is due tomorrow (Tuesday) at 11am and that we will have an extra lecture on Friday, 11 Oct, 12noon-2pm in Colombo Theatre A in lieu of today's (Labour Day) lecture.
For those who have submitted their programs for the week 1 problem set: The auto-marking results are now available via WebCMS (go to Problem sets -> Week 1 Problem Set -> Collect Submission), or by using
9024 classrun -collect week1
Please note: Some of the submitted programs produced compiler warnings. These programs have still been marked, but for all coming submissions (problem sets, assignment) you will be asked to make sure that your programs compile and run on a CSE lab computer without error or warning using the following strict compiler flags:
gcc -Wall -Werror -std=c11
The dryrun script will always provide a very good way for you to check if your program produces compiler warnings when compiled on a CSE lab machine.
Dear COMP9024 Student,
Welcome to our course.
This is a reminder that the course will begin in week 1 on Monday (16 September) from 2-4pm in Mathews Theatre B (Building D23).
Meanwhile check out the course webpage . Have a look at the "Course Outline" to learn more about the contents of the course, the assessments and recommended textbooks.
See you on Monday,