
  • Course feedback

    Posted by Aaron Quigley 3 years ago.


    Thanks for all your course feedback. I just wanted to close this off with some notes based on what you said.

    1 Pacing

    I'm always worried that I speak to quickly but I hope I am clear so that you can rewatch me. I'll ask classes in future to point this out to me so I don't go too fast.

    2 Written notes

    Yes, I will look into better tools to allow me to use hand written examples in the teaching which can be easily accessed by future students.

    3 Slides

    Likewise, I would like to be able to annotate the slides as I speak which is also something I will look into.

    4 Live coding

    I would like to make some of the help sessions be live coding sessions

    5. Too much content

    I will suggest a review of the course to the next lecturer as they refresh the teaching.

    6. More diagrams and more examples

    I agree, we have good digram use here but more examples can help

    7. More interaction with students outside of the lecture hours

    I think face to face teaching will help here.

    8. Less reference to his PhD thesis

    Sorry about that, noted. I'll use more examples from some of these algorithms and data structures in other research or industry.



  • Final Exam Monday 9th May 1:45pm

    Posted by Mei Cheng Whale 3 years ago.

    The link to the Final Exam is now visible in Moodle. The exam opens at 1:45pm today.

    We wish you all the best in the exam.

  • Assignment and problem sets marks

    Posted by Mei Cheng Whale 3 years ago.

    You can collect your marked assignment by going to the Large Assignment Spec and clicking on the Collect Submission tab. If you have any queries about the marking, please email

    The marks for all the problem sets are also available. Click on the Grades icon next to your name.

    The assignment mark can change because we haven't yet checked them for plagiarism. There is nothing to worry about if the submitted work is your own.

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