
  • Course feedback

    Posted by Aaron Quigley Thursday 26 May 2022, 12:34:13 PM.


    Thanks for all your course feedback. I just wanted to close this off with some notes based on what you said.

    1 Pacing

    I'm always worried that I speak to quickly but I hope I am clear so that you can rewatch me. I'll ask classes in future to point this out to me so I don't go too fast.

    2 Written notes

    Yes, I will look into better tools to allow me to use hand written examples in the teaching which can be easily accessed by future students.

    3 Slides

    Likewise, I would like to be able to annotate the slides as I speak which is also something I will look into.

    4 Live coding

    I would like to make some of the help sessions be live coding sessions

    5. Too much content

    I will suggest a review of the course to the next lecturer as they refresh the teaching.

    6. More diagrams and more examples

    I agree, we have good digram use here but more examples can help

    7. More interaction with students outside of the lecture hours

    I think face to face teaching will help here.

    8. Less reference to his PhD thesis

    Sorry about that, noted. I'll use more examples from some of these algorithms and data structures in other research or industry.



  • Final Exam Monday 9th May 1:45pm

    Posted by Mei Cheng Whale Monday 09 May 2022, 09:20:52 AM.

    The link to the Final Exam is now visible in Moodle. The exam opens at 1:45pm today.

    We wish you all the best in the exam.

  • Assignment and problem sets marks

    Posted by Mei Cheng Whale Friday 29 April 2022, 10:00:14 AM.

    You can collect your marked assignment by going to the Large Assignment Spec and clicking on the Collect Submission tab. If you have any queries about the marking, please email

    The marks for all the problem sets are also available. Click on the Grades icon next to your name.

    The assignment mark can change because we haven't yet checked them for plagiarism. There is nothing to worry about if the submitted work is your own.

  • Problem Set Week 10: Randomised algorithms

    Posted by Aaron Quigley Thursday 21 April 2022, 12:48:48 PM.


    Due to the delay in the lecture for week 10, the submission for the Problem Set for Week 10 will be next Monday the 25th of April (not this Friday)


  • Week 10 Lecture Special Session

    Posted by Aaron Quigley Thursday 21 April 2022, 12:46:28 PM.


    My apologies again for the technical issues with the Wednesday lecture.

    I have just recorded the final lecture which should be available in a few moments in the recording section on blackboard collaborate.

    Again, a reminder your final exam for COMP9024 is 2-hour (+15mins reading time) online test on Monday 9th May

    1:45pm – 4:05pm (Sydney Time)



  • Week 10 recording

    Posted by Aaron Quigley Wednesday 20 April 2022, 03:48:56 PM.


    Due to a technical issue I will need to record the final lecture for week 10 tomorrow. I do apologise for this.

    When the recording is online I will let you all know



  • Week 10 lecture starting soon

    Posted by Aaron Quigley Wednesday 20 April 2022, 02:54:21 PM.


    Our final lecture is starting shortly.

    I remind you all that the final exam for this course is 2-hour (+15mins reading time) online test on Monday 9th May

    1:45pm – 4:05pm



  • Week 8 and Week 9 lectures are online and debugging

    Posted by Aaron Quigley Monday 04 April 2022, 05:33:15 PM.


    Week 8 -

    * The AVL tree builder shown today

    * See note on debugging in the PS

    We are upto slide 50 after our Monday lecture. On Wednesday we will complete the rest of week 8 and I will make a head start into week 9 material.

    Week 9 -



    p.s Just today I got an email from an alumni who commented on the video I just shared with you on debugging.

    If you want to learn more about debugging (30-minute video)

    Alex said:

    I ended up starting a company: that makes a Software-as-a-Service application for sport. I credit CSE with helping me get on my way—while we have an engineering team now of 8, I can step back and do more of the ‘business’ side, I find myself occasionally assisting with engineering issues that require some deep technical knowledge.

    Almost everything comes back to ‘how to debug’. ‘Divide and conquer’ is a skill I find junior engineers lack. “My code doesn’t work” is often easily solved in a simpler task by starting halfway through the code or a logical breakpoint of process and asking, “does it still work at this point?”. The answer determines if the problem is before or after. Rinse and repeat.

    Really just wanted to say thanks for this video as a watch.

  • Week 7 lectures starting at 3pm today

    Posted by Aaron Quigley Monday 28 March 2022, 02:45:01 PM.


    Our week 7 lectures will be starting shortly. You can see the lecture slides here which includes the grade distribution of the 230+ people who took the mid-term exam last week.

    This week we are covering:

    • Binary search tree (BST) data structure
    • Tree traversal
    • Basic BST operation: insertion, join, deletion, rotation

    These types of tree operations are fundamental for more sophisticated operations to come.

    The large assignment is now released and is due

    11:00:00am on Monday 18 April (week 10)


    p.s. UNSW once had a tree on campus the way computer scientists view a tree i.e. with the root at the top!

  • Wordle 2022 - from word sequences to a ways to Wordle

    Posted by Aaron Quigley Friday 25 March 2022, 04:42:23 PM.

    Large Assignment is Live NOW

    Word and letter guessing games are as old as written languages themselves. They can be seen in everything from the television show the Wheel of Fortune on NBC/ABC to Wordle , which has been owned and published by The New York Times Company since 2022. Guessing missing letters, permutations of letters of trying to guess the correct location for letters in words are common game styles. In this assignment we will explore the foundations of such games with word sequences.

    Your first task (across stage 1-4) is to develop a program to compute the longest word sequences that can be created given a collection of words. Following this (in stage 5), you are asked to complete the development of a Wordle-like shortest path check


    11:00:00am on Monday 18 April (week 10)

  • Large Assignment: COMP9024

    Posted by Aaron Quigley Friday 25 March 2022, 03:14:57 PM.


    The Large Assignment for COMP9024 will be going live at 5pm today.


  • Midterm exam today (Wednesday 23rd March 3:30pm)

    Posted by Mei Cheng Whale Wednesday 23 March 2022, 11:02:49 AM.

    The COMP9024 midterm exam will be held during your Wednesday Week 6 lecture. You can access the midterm exam via Moodle. The midterm is one hour duration and opens at 3:30pm.

    All the best with this exam.

  • Week 4 - Monday lecture starting now!

    Posted by Aaron Quigley Monday 07 March 2022, 03:00:41 PM.

    Come learn about Data Structure in Snap Augmented Reality glasses and billion node graphs in UNSW!

  • Week 3 - Wednesday lecture starting soon!

    Posted by Aaron Quigley Wednesday 02 March 2022, 02:42:11 PM.

    Come learn about dynamic data structure development in C. These are the building blocks for high flexible and dynamic data structures which you can build to model anything from a car with hundreds of thousands of components, to strands of DNA with millions of elements to star fields with billions of interacting elements whose forces interact with each other.

    Come along and you will hear me describe all this (along with the data structures and algorithms I created, based on insights for “many-body” problems in physics to simulate the forces between millions and billions of elements of information). in N Log N time rather than NxN of NxNxN time!

    See you soon.


  • Week 2

    Posted by Aaron Quigley Saturday 19 February 2022, 06:08:55 PM, last modified Saturday 19 February 2022, 06:09:46 PM.


    For those of you looking to study ahead, the slides for Week 2 are now online.

    If you are new here, make sure to read the course outline!

    To watch the videos from week 1 go to

    Moodle COMP9024 (2022 T1)

    Select Online Lectures and Help Sessions

    In the menu on the top left of this "Blackboard Collaborate" page click the three line "burger" menu item. Then you will see recordings then watch

    Lecture Monday 3-5pm recording_1

    Lecture Wednesday 3-5pm recording_1

    Any questions, remember ask and answer each others questions on the -> Ed Forums 2022



  • Another learning opportunity - Software Carpentry

    Posted by Aaron Quigley Thursday 17 February 2022, 11:48:56 AM.

    Another suggestion is to consider this " introduction to Unix shell run by Software Carpentry "

  • Lab-0 today

    Posted by Aaron Quigley Thursday 17 February 2022, 04:47:53 AM.


    Many of you will never have used the systems in CSE.
    CSEsoc run an excellent student run event today to help you learn.

    Details for the Lab 0 event are as follows:

    📌 Sign up here:
    🗓 When: 17 February 1:30 – 4:30pm (Thursday Week 1)
    📍 Where: UNSW K17 Sem 113 & Online via Zoom ( )

    Alternatively here is the facebook event link with details:

    While this is optional I’d strongly encourage you to consider it as a way to meet people here and learn about the technologies in CSE.

    See you next week online and in the forums.

  • During our breaks in week 1 we will,watch this

    Posted by Aaron Quigley Monday 14 February 2022, 06:14:16 AM, last modified Monday 14 February 2022, 06:20:25 AM.


  • Welcome to Week 1 (lecture starting Week 1, 3pm)

    Posted by Aaron Quigley Sunday 13 February 2022, 08:52:42 PM.

    Aaron Quigley here.

    I wanted to remind you that our live lectures start tomorrow at 3pm on BlackBoard collaborate. (in the past the lecturer used to use recordings, which I will also make) but the live lectures are a time for you to learn together and ask questions (typically to each other).

    Please follow the links from here to Moodle and then on BlackBoard collaborate.

    Please remember, all questions should go to

    • Ed Forums 2022 so we can all learn together and share answers to common questions.

    See you in the live stream tomorrow from 3-5pm Sydney time, Feb 14th.



    ps. My reflections on O-Week can bee seen here

  • Welcome to Computer Science in UNSW (from Aaron Quigley)

    Posted by Aaron Quigley Tuesday 08 February 2022, 11:33:57 AM, last modified Tuesday 08 February 2022, 11:34:55 AM.

  • The course web-site for 22T1 is now live!

    Posted by Aaron Quigley Wednesday 02 February 2022, 09:19:28 PM, last modified Monday 07 February 2022, 10:57:45 PM.

    I'm Aaron Quigley your lecturer for this course. This website is now live!

    Please note, unlike past years we will be using Ed Forums instead of WebCMS forums based on student feedback in 2021.

    Please make sure to attend your first lecture (all lectures are live but recorded).



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