
  • Supplementary Exam

    Posted by Helen Paik 10 months ago.

    For students who are granted a supp exam (i.e., your final grade is WC), the details of the supp exam time/date and location should have been communicated to you from the central exam unit.

    In any case, it is on:

    Date/Time Monday 20th May 1:45PM-4PM

    Location: Mathews 103

  • Assignment Marks

    Posted by Tim Arney 10 months ago.

    Hello everyone,

    Assignment marks are now released. You can retrieve your marked journal the usual ways, including:

    9024 classrun -collect assn

    If you believe there's been some mistake, then please send any relevant information to the course email.

    If you have any general questions, then please feel free to post on the course forum.



  • Total for Weekly Practicals

    Posted by Tim Arney 11 months ago.

    Hello everyone,

    I've just totalled the 8 x weekly practical marks that make up 16% of your final grade:

    labs = week2 + week3 + week4 + week5 + week7 + week8 + week9 + week10

    You can see the total by logging into give online or by connecting to CSE and running:

    9024 classrun -sturec

    If you believe there's been some mistake then please send any relevant information to the course email.



  • Important message about the final exam

    Posted by Helen Paik 11 months ago, last modified 11 months ago.

    Please make sure to read this…

    All students must have the correct version of Safe Exam Browser (SEB) installed on their BYOD. The correct version for Windows and Mac and instructions for installation are found here Inspera: On-Campus Invigilated Final & Supplementary Exams | UNSW Current Students

    Make sure that the browser is ready before you enter the exam room.

    We already have mentioned that you can bring your own laptop charger - there will be access to powerpoint at each desk. You can bring your pen, the exam supervisors will hand out a blank sheet of paper for drafting answers. You are not allowed to bring any other printed/written materials.

  • A mockup exam for final

    Posted by Helen Paik 11 months ago, last modified 11 months ago.

    As the actual exam is centrally run, and supervised with a lockdown browser,I cannot recreate the exact same environment for a mock exam. What is possible is to setup an online exam (just like the midterm) through Moodle.

    On Moodle, you will find a link to "Mockup Exam (final)". This should get you to the Inspera exam environment - which will present some mockup questions for you to practice.

    The exam is setup with no time limit. The access to the exam questions will close on 28th Sunday 11:00pm

    We have no intention of grading your answers for this one. You may ask questions on the forum.

    Note that this mockup is setup as an online test. The actual exam will require you to download and access the exam paper through Safe Browser. Do not forget to set it up ahead of your exam day, please.

  • What is allowed in the exam room (UPDATE on laptop charger)

    Posted by Helen Paik 11 months ago, last modified 11 months ago.

    Note that you are only allowed to bring in your laptop and a pen. You will be given a blank paper to use for drafting your responses - the blank paper will be collected after the exam.

    [UPDATE] The exam team tells me that there IS a powerpoint available at EACH desk in your exam room. So to the students who have been asking about your laptop batteries, you can bring your own charger and laptop.

  • Week 10 Lectures

    Posted by Helen Paik 11 months ago, last modified 11 months ago.

    Hello Class,

    For this week, tomorrow (Tuesday) we have a guest lecturer (Dr. Sebastian Sequoiah-Grayson) who will talk us through the issues of ethics in Computer Science and approaches to think through the issues.

    Thursday, we have the last topic/lecture for the term and review.

    See you tomorrow.


    If you'd like to join online, Seb has provided the link below on Zoom (code: 040455) - Tomorrow at 2pm.

    Join online

  • Midterm Quiz - information

    Posted by Helen Paik 12 months ago.

    The midterm is on this Thursday 2pm via Moodle - the quiz module will be open for access at exactly 2pm this Thursday 21st March. The access will close at 3pm.

    The topics covered are from Week 1 to Week 5 materials (Week 5 up to slide 68). Week 2 Generate and Test is also not covered.

    A mock up test is available from Moodle now. It should remain open until 21st March 9am.

  • Assignment Release

    Posted by Tim Arney 12 months ago.

    Hi all,

    The assignment is now available. Please read it carefully.

    The due date is Wednesday, 17 April (Week 10), at 11:59:59.

    You're encouraged to start early and submit often.

    Please note, this is an individual assignment. The code you submit must be entirely your own work.

    To that end, you're strongly urged to not use any generative AI tools. This is considered plagiarism, and will likely be detected by our software when we check your submissions. Added to which, using such code will (a) detract from the learning experience, and (b) quite possibly be incorrect. So please don't do it.

    Good luck!

  • Online tutorials via Zoom

    Posted by Helen Paik about a year ago, last modified about a year ago.

    Hello class,

    For students who registered for the online tutorial classes, use the following zoom link to join the class during the scheduled time .
    Password: 632321

  • Lecture Recordings

    Posted by Helen Paik about a year ago.

    Hello class,

    One issue with a large course this term seems to be that the Lecture Recordings arrangement in Echo360 has to be done in a way that Tuesday and Thursday are split into two different lecture streams - and we cannot combine them into one listing. You will now see two Lecture Recordings links in Moodle, one for Tuesday lectures and another for Thursday lectures. I can understand how navigating these two separate links could be annoying for you, but unfortunately, there is no optimal solution for this term.

    Also, I note that the Putty console from the internal computer wasn't showing the code properly. I am planning not to use the internal computer from today, so we won't have the same issue.

  • Week 1 Activities

    Posted by Tim Arney about a year ago, last modified about a year ago.

    Hi all,

    I hope you're having a relaxed first week!

    The week 1 tutorial and practical are now available.

    The tutorial is self guided as classes don't start until week 2. The tutorial is split into two parts.

    • The first part introduces most of the tools we'll be using this term. I'd highly encourage you to go through it slowly, especially if you're new to CSE. Part of it involves writing a program that you can submit for auto-marking. The deadline for submission is 23:59 on Sunday night, but please note that this will not count towards your final grade.
    • The second part is focused on C coding exercises. It's important that you're able to solve these yourself as we'll be building on these skills throughout the term.

    The practical involves writing two more coding exercises that you can also submit for auto-marking. The deadline for submission is 11:59 on Thursday of week 2. This, similarly, will not count towards your final grade. It gives you another opportunity to practice programming in C and get more familiar with the submission and auto-marking process. I strongly recommend completing and submitting these exercises.

    In future weeks I'll make announcements about the weekly activities on the Ed forum. So please make sure you join, if you haven't already. Below is the link, sign in using your address and UNSW password.

  • Welcome to COMP9024 T1 2024

    Posted by Helen Paik about a year ago.

    Hello class,

    Welcome to COMP9024. Hope you are ready to start and a little excited about learning algorithms and C!

    There is no planned activity for Week 1 - except for the lectures on Tuesday and Thursday. Everything else will start from Week 2, so you will have sometime to settle and setup everything before more serious activities start :-)

    Make sure that you sign yourself up for the Course Forum in Ed

    and bookmark this course homepage (

    Looking forward to meeting you all in person this Tuesday 2pm at Science Theatre

    PS: Just one little note to students who are enrolled in "WEB" stream of the course - There is no separate online/Web course for COMP9024. The lectures are automatically recorded and uploaded onto Echo360 which you can watch anytime that suits you.

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