
  • Supplementary Exam

    Posted by Mingqin Yu 6 months ago.

    For students who are granted a supp exam (i.e., your final grade is WC), the details of the supp exam time/date and location should have been communicated to you from the central exam unit.

  • Final Exam Notice

    Posted by Mingqin Yu 7 months ago.

    Please make sure to read this message carefully.🦉⛽️

    All students must have the correct version of Safe Exam Browser (SEB) installed on their BYOD. The correct version for Windows and Mac, along with installation instructions, can be found here: Inspera: On-Campus Invigilated Final & Supplementary Exams | UNSW Current Students . Detailed information is also available through the WebCMS or Moodle links.

    Preparation for the Exam

    Ensure that the SEB is properly installed and ready to use before entering the exam room. You may bring your own laptop charger. There will be access to power points at each desk. You may bring a pen. Exam supervisors will provide a blank sheet of paper for drafting answers. You are not allowed to bring any other printed or written materials.

    As we mentioned earlier, we are updating the posts interchangeably and information for everyone. Please keep an eye on the latest version.

  • Updates and Reminders for COMP9024 Final Exam

    Posted by Mingqin Yu 8 months ago.

    Hi everyone,

    Hope you’re enjoying the term so far and had a refreshing break during Week 6 and the midterm exam period.

    We have a few updates and reminders regarding the final exam. We are currently in the process of setting up the final exam content to ensure it aligns with our overall assessment structure. Our goal is to make sure all students are comfortable and well-informed.

    As a reminder, the pass criteria for the course remain the same as mentioned in Week 1: To pass the course, the sum of your marks must be 50 or higher. You can find the details in our course outline here: [ COMP9024 Course Outline ].

    If there was any confusion or inconvenience caused by yesterday’s post, we will be updating or following up with a post on Ed to ensure everyone is on the same page.

    Please remember that the COMP9024 teaching team is here to support you. If you have any concerns, do not hesitate to contact us as soon as possible.

    Best regards

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