
  • Midterm Exam

    Posted by Mingqin Yu Thursday 27 June 2024, 02:44:34 PM.

    Hi All,

    The midterm exam will take place as scheduled in the course outline. It will be held/open online via Moodle on Week 6, Thursday, from 6-7pm. The structure of the exam will be similar to our weekly quizzes, covering topics from quizzes 1-4 and lectures and tutorials from Weeks 1-5.

    Best regards,

    COMP9024 Teaching Team

  • Assessment Arrangement Details

    Posted by Mingqin Yu Friday 21 June 2024, 05:34:57 PM.

    Hi everyone,

    Please check the Course Outline page for details on the assessment arrangements. For example, as we mentioned earlier the Midterm Exam will be held online via Moodle on Week 6, Thursday from 6-7 pm.

  • Monday Session Rescheduled

    Posted by Mingqin Yu Friday 07 June 2024, 05:56:56 PM.

    Hi Everyone,

    Since next Monday is a public holiday, we have rescheduled Monday's help session and tutorial. You can join the corresponding session.

    Week 3 Monday Original Class Schedule Week 3 New Reschedule Tutor
    Help session Monday Monday 10 am - 12 pm
    Join Link: Team Meeting Link
    Hopper queue: Link
    Janhavi Jain
    Thirasara Beruwawela
    Tutorial M11A Wednesday 11 am - 12 pm
    Online Meeting Join Link: Zoom Link
    Leman Kirme
    Tutorial M13A Wednesday 12:30 pm
    Online Meeting Join Link: Zoom Link
    Leman Kirme
    Tuts M12A Same Time online
    Online Join Link: Zoom Link
    Online M15A Tuesday 11th June, 3-4 pm
    Same Online Join Link: Zoom Link
    Deniz Dilsiz

  • Public Holiday and Upcoming Consultations

    Posted by Mingqin Yu Tuesday 04 June 2024, 07:39:22 PM.

    Hi everyone,

    Please note that next Monday is a public holiday. A few Monday tutorials and help sessions might be rescheduled to another time, which we will inform you about soon once confirmed.

    Additionally, a kind reminder that consultation sessions are open. You can check the arrangements on the Timetable page.

  • Tutorial and Help Sessions Starting Next Week

    Posted by Mingqin Yu Friday 31 May 2024, 04:08:22 PM, last modified Friday 31 May 2024, 04:08:56 PM.

    Hi everyone,

    Just a quick reminder that our tutorials and help sessions will start next week. Make sure you know your tutotial time and location. The online tutorial link is set up and can be accessed through 'Online Tutorial Access' on the Sidebar. All help sessions will be held at K17 G05 (CSE Help).

  • Tutorial Locations, Online Tutorial Access, and EdForum Links

    Posted by Mingqin Yu Tuesday 28 May 2024, 07:37:12 PM.

    Hi everyone,

    All the resources you need are available on WebCMS3 and Moodle. For your convenience, here are the specific links:

    Course timetable for checking locations:

    Online Tutorial Access:

    Join link for EdForum:

    Feel free to use these links for any questions or further information you may need.

  • Welcome to COMP9024

    Posted by Mingqin Yu Monday 27 May 2024, 11:33:59 AM.

    Hi everyone,

    Welcome to COMP9024! 🎉

    The main resources you'll use for this course are Moodle and WebCMS3. These platforms will be essential for accessing assessments and supporting materials. COMP9024 combines data structures, algorithms and C programming, offering a comprehensive understanding of both topics.

    Please start by reading, debugging, and modifying a runnable program in the COMP9024 repository on GitHub. The link can be accessed through WebCMS3 or the last post. 🖥️

    Looking forward to a great semester with you all! 🌟

    Best regards,

    The COMP9024 Teaching Team

  • Welcome to COMP9024 24T2

    Posted by Changwei Zou Friday 24 May 2024, 06:54:14 PM.

    Hi everyone. Welcome to COMP9024 24T2.

    Please start with reading, debugging and modifying a runnable program in COMP9024 on GitHub.

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