Hello class,
Welcome to COMP9024. Hope you are ready to start and a little excited about learning algorithms and C!
There is no planned activity for Week 1 - except for the lectures on Monday and Wednesday. Everything else will start from Week 2, so you will have sometime to settle and setup everything before more serious activities start :-). (There will be some self-guided prep/warm-up exercises for Week 1).
Make sure that you sign yourself up for the Course Forum in Ed
and bookmark this course homepage (http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs9024)
Looking forward to meeting you all in person this Monday 9am at Patricia O'Shane 104.
PS: Just one little note to students who are enrolled in "WEB" stream of the course - There is no separate online/Web course for COMP9024. The lectures are automatically recorded and uploaded onto Echo360 which you can watch anytime that suits you.