
  • Provisional results available

    Posted by Ihor Kuz Wednesday 18 December 2019, 03:52:04 PM.

    You should be able to view the provisional course results now:

     ~cs9243/bin/classrun -sturec


  • Results Available: Assignment 2

    Posted by Ihor Kuz Wednesday 11 December 2019, 11:38:51 AM.

    The results for assignment 2 are available.

    You should be able to get the result by doing:

     ~cs9243/bin/classrun -sturec

    You can get the assignment report by doing:

    ~cs9243/bin/classrun -collect router

  • Results Available: Assignment 1 Subjective and Overall mark

    Posted by Ihor Kuz Monday 02 December 2019, 10:53:34 AM.

    The results for assignment 1’s subjective and overall marking are available.

    You should be able to get the result by doing:

     ~cs9243/bin/classrun -sturec

    (look at the dsmsubj and dsm fields)

    You can get the subjective marking report by doing:

    ~cs9243/bin/classrun -collect dsmsubj

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