
  • Final exam location and seating

    Posted by Helen Paik Tuesday 13 August 2019, 10:36:35 PM.

    The exam is on the 26th August 9am. You must be at the exam location 15 mins prior (i.e., 8:45am).

    You can also check your seating allocation via the following URL:

    You must login with your zID details.

    The exam is for 3 hours. This is to give you more time for the practical part (SQL).

  • Assignment Stage 1 and Stage 2 marks, plus quiz marks uploaded

    Posted by Helen Paik Sunday 04 August 2019, 02:19:21 PM, last modified Sunday 04 August 2019, 08:58:41 PM.

    You can check the marks by logging into your CSE account. Then running:

    $ 9311 classrun -sturec

    Separately to the marks, emails containing marked files + feedback have been sent to your UNSW student email account.

    As discussed before, for Week 3 quiz, Q1 both B and D are marked correct, Q4 both B and D are marked correct.

  • Week 9 Lab exercise

    Posted by Helen Paik Sunday 28 July 2019, 05:39:48 PM.

    Week 9 lab introduces the CSE VLAB environment (including a bit of unix concept) and SQLite3. Owen prepared them specially for students who are not familiar with the CSE lab environment, and also as a way to introduce a different database environment.

    The lab is particularly important because the final exam is going to be run in an almost identical setting. The main aim is to get you to become familiar with writing SQL using the SQLite3 database and using the UNIX terminal environment.

  • Work/Programming Environment Setup

    Posted by Helen Paik Tuesday 09 July 2019, 09:56:08 PM.

    I noticed while walking around the class room that quite a few of you have not setup the work environment (lab/assignment environment) yet ... and not familiar with your way around the server/local computing environments.

    Please make sure that you visit one of the lab classes and ask the tutors to go through the environment setup with you so that you know your way around the terminals, shell commands, file transfers, running editors, locating files, etc.

    Do this now while you are doing the assignment. You will really NEED it for the final exam.

    Any questions, let me (and tutors) know.

  • Assignment 2 is released

    Posted by Helen Paik Monday 08 July 2019, 03:55:42 PM.

    The spec for assignment 2 is out now. Tomorrow, I will go through the database and run some exercises together to get you started on the assignment. So if you'd like, you can setup your PostgreSQL server with the ass2 database to do some of the exercises with me. If you are not bringing your laptop, no problem at all, you can still go through the exercises by following the lecture.

  • Extended deadline for Stage 2 submission

    Posted by Helen Paik Monday 01 July 2019, 04:10:37 PM.

    There are quite a few students who have a midterm exam this week. So we will move the deadline to Sunday (7th) 5pm.

  • Week 5 News - Quiz, Assignment Due

    Posted by Helen Paik Sunday 30 June 2019, 09:57:11 AM.

    Week 4 quiz is due tomorrow. The stage 2 of the assignment 1 is due this Thursday 9m.

    The solution for the previous lab on Web log data has been released (look at the bottom of the lab instruction page). This week, there is no new exercise to be released for the lab classes. The tutors will be there to help you with the assignment and any catch-up issues on the labs so far.

  • Extra consultation tomorrow 5-6pm

    Posted by Helen Paik Thursday 27 June 2019, 05:33:08 PM.

    Sahil and Zhuang have kindly agreed to open an extra consultation time tomorrow (Friday).

    Go to K17 Room G01 and G02. 5pm to 6pm (28th June)

    They can give you some pointers on the assignment or help you with the lab questions.

  • Week 4 News: Quiz 3 due, Stage 2 of the assignment 1 is released.

    Posted by Helen Paik Sunday 23 June 2019, 10:38:16 PM.

    Don't forget Quiz 3 (due 10am Monday). Q1 of Quiz 3 has two correct answers. They will be manually corrected later. So don't worry about the marks if you think you are 1 short.

    Assignment 1 Stage 2 is out. It is due 4th July Thursday 9pm (moved from 5pm to cater for students who are working part time/full time). Utilise the lab classes with tutors.

  • Quiz 2 Due Monday 10am (tomorrow)

    Posted by Helen Paik Sunday 16 June 2019, 11:53:54 AM.

    Don't forget to spend a few minutes to do the quiz. Due Monday (tomorrow) 10am. Late submissions are not allowed - and I am less likely to repeat a reminder every week from now on :-)

  • Quiz 2 is released ... and don't forget the lab/tutorial feedback form ...

    Posted by Helen Paik Tuesday 11 June 2019, 06:50:44 PM, last modified Wednesday 12 June 2019, 12:36:46 PM.

    The quiz for Week 2 is out. Due next Monday 10am.

    For those of you who already filled in the feedback form, big thank you ... There will be a school meeting on the topic soon, so more responses would be good.

    Please consider filling in the form (zID needed, but the response will be anonymised.)

  • News for Week 2

    Posted by Helen Paik Monday 10 June 2019, 02:01:41 PM.

    A few points for Week 2 ...

    • Don't forget Quiz 1 (due 10 am Tuesday 11 June, i.e., tomorrow). There is no late submission for quizzes .
    • The first lab exercise is released. There will be two tutors present in each lab consultation sessions, if you would like to get some help during the lab exercise. Check the class timetable for details.
    • The first assignment is released. I will briefly talk about it during the class tomorrow.

  • Quiz 1 released

    Posted by Helen Paik Wednesday 05 June 2019, 04:04:36 PM.

    You can find the questions from Activities. Since next Monday is public holiday, I set the due date to Tuesday 10am. You can see the results after the due date - I think the system automatically makes the results visible after the due date.

  • Welcome to 2019 Term 2 offering of Database Systems

    Posted by Helen Paik Sunday 26 May 2019, 03:47:45 PM.

    Big hello to all COMP9311 students!

    The course outline is now up. Please check the menu section of the course homepage.

    Important note: there is NO LAB in Week 1. This term the labs will operate slightly differently and this will be explained during the intro lecture. I repeat ... NO LAB in Week 1.

    See you all at the intro lecture on Monday 3rd June. Looking forward to meeting you in person!

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