
  • Pre-exam Consultation (25 Nov - 29 Nov)

    Posted by Wenjie Zhang 5 years ago.

    Dear Students,

    We will run daily consultation in the week of final exam. Time and location:

    Monday 25 Nov: 11AM - 12PM 201B K17 (note that the afternoon consultation is cancelled)

    Tuesday 26 Nov: 11AM - 12PM 201B K17

    Wednesday 27 Nov: 11AM - 12PM 201B K17

    Thursday 28 Nov: 11AM - 12PM 203 K17

    Friday 29 Nov: 11AM - 12PM 201B K17

  • Assignment 2 released

    Posted by Wenjie Zhang 5 years ago.

    Dear Students,

    Assignment 2 has been released and due 5PM, Wednesday 20 November.

    Please note that as the university schedules final exam for our course quite early, we need to release solution for Assignment 2 soon after the due date. This means generally we are not able to grant any extension for Assignment 2. Please start working on it early.



  • Q4 of Project 1 - grade = 'HD' vs mark >= 85

    Posted by Wenjie Zhang 5 years ago.

    Dear Students,

    One hint for Q4 of Project 1, you need to specify grade = 'HD' rather than mark >= 85 to pass the check.sql. This is because mark >= 85 may correspond to either grade = 'HD' or 'A'. Using mark >= 85 will lead to incorrect output.



Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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