
  • Pre-exam Consultation (25 Nov - 29 Nov)

    Posted by Wenjie Zhang 5 years ago.

    Dear Students,

    We will run daily consultation in the week of final exam. Time and location:

    Monday 25 Nov: 11AM - 12PM 201B K17 (note that the afternoon consultation is cancelled)

    Tuesday 26 Nov: 11AM - 12PM 201B K17

    Wednesday 27 Nov: 11AM - 12PM 201B K17

    Thursday 28 Nov: 11AM - 12PM 203 K17

    Friday 29 Nov: 11AM - 12PM 201B K17

  • Assignment 2 released

    Posted by Wenjie Zhang 5 years ago.

    Dear Students,

    Assignment 2 has been released and due 5PM, Wednesday 20 November.

    Please note that as the university schedules final exam for our course quite early, we need to release solution for Assignment 2 soon after the due date. This means generally we are not able to grant any extension for Assignment 2. Please start working on it early.



  • Q4 of Project 1 - grade = 'HD' vs mark >= 85

    Posted by Wenjie Zhang 5 years ago.

    Dear Students,

    One hint for Q4 of Project 1, you need to specify grade = 'HD' rather than mark >= 85 to pass the check.sql. This is because mark >= 85 may correspond to either grade = 'HD' or 'A'. Using mark >= 85 will lead to incorrect output.



  • No lecture for Week 7, labs and consultation as usual

    Posted by Wenjie Zhang 5 years ago.

    Dear Students,

    There will not be lectures for Week 7, while labs and consultation will run as usual.


  • Mark for Assignment 1 released

    Posted by Wenjie Zhang 5 years ago.

    Dear Students,

    Marks and sample solution for Assignment 1 have been released. To check your mark with comments, you can go to the website<wbr>give/Student/give.php and click the button ‘marks’ on top of the page.

    For any concerns about your mark, please contact your marking tutor through the email given in the comments.

    If you have submitted your assignment but do not get any mark, please email as soon as possible.

  • Correction on Question 9, Project 1

    Posted by Wenjie Zhang 5 years ago.

    Dear Students,

    A correction is made on the specification of Question 9 of Project 1: before 2011 (exclusive) is added in the fourth point.

    Please download the new version of proj1.pdf. The proj1.pdf file in has also been modified.


  • Project 1 released

    Posted by Wenjie Zhang 5 years ago.

    Dear Students,

    Project 1 has been released and due 5PM Friday 8 November.

    Enjoy !

  • Consultation time for Week 4

    Posted by Wenjie Zhang 5 years ago.

    Dear Students,

    Due to public holiday on Monday of Week 4, a makeup consultation is scheduled on Tuesday of Week 4 (8th October), 3PM to 4PM, 401K K17 building.

    Enjoy a safe long weekend !


  • Assignment 1 released

    Posted by Wenjie Zhang 5 years ago.

    Dear Students,

    Assignment 1 has been released and due 5PM Friday 11 October.

    Deadline approaches fast, please start early. If you have any problems in submitting your solutions, contact the tutor in labs.

  • Consultation time and location change to 3PM - 4PM Monday, 401K K17

    Posted by Wenjie Zhang 5 years ago.

    Dear Students,

    As some of you have classes in the previous chosen consultation time slot, we now move consultation time to:

    - 3PM to 4PM, Monday, week 2 to week 13

    - Level 4 meeting room 401K of K17 building

    Note that access permission is required for entry into the level. Please try to arrive early near 3PM so the tutor will wait at the entrance to get you in. In case you arrive late, please call Kai at 0415887057 or Chenji at 0426871229.



  • Welcome to 2019 Term 3 offering of Database Systems

    Posted by Wenjie Zhang 5 years ago.

    Hello to all students of COMP9311 in T3 !

    Please note there is NO lab in week 1.

    I look forward to seeing you at the intro lecture next Monday 16th September, in Keith Burrows Theatre (K-J14-G5) !

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