
  • Supplementary Exam schedule

    Posted by Wenjie Zhang 4 years ago, last modified 4 years ago.

    For students who are granted supplementary exam:

    1. Could you please check your email and contact me at as soon as possible.

    2. Supp exam is scheduled at 1PM to 5:30PM Sydney time, 14 Jan. The exam paper will be posted in webcms in a tab name "Supp Exam" in this website.

    3. Submission is the same as for assignments. If any trouble, send to my email directly.

  • Final exam

    Posted by Wenjie Zhang 4 years ago, last modified 4 years ago.

    Dear Students,

    A Final Exam tab has been created in this website. On 4:00 PM, 3rd December, the exam paper will be released here. Any possible corrections will also be posted here.

    Please read below to avoid misconduct in the exam.

    • Even after you finish the exam, do not communicate your exam answers to anyone on the day of the exam.
    • Do not place your exam work in any location accessible to any other person. This includes services such as Dropbox and Github.
    • Ensure during the exam no other person in your household can access your work.
    • Your zpass should not be disclosed to any other person. If you have disclosed your zpass , you should change it immediately.

    Good luck.

  • PLpgSQL and SQL

    Posted by Wenjie Zhang 4 years ago.

    Dear Students,

    There is some inconsistency between the weekly learning outcomes of PLpgSQL and the final exam scope in Week 10 revision.

    To make it consistent,

    - PLpgSQL will not be assessed in final exam.

    - SQL may be assessed in True/False questions.

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