
  • The final exam of COMP9311

    Posted by Chenji Huang 4 years ago, last modified 4 years ago.

    Dear students,

    The submission of the final exam is the same as assignment 1 and assignment 2.

    The exam paper will be released at 9:00 am at the final exam , and you need to submit it through moodle. No late submission is accepted, so please do not wait till the last minute to submit your answers.

    We will also post clarifications of the exam questions on the same page if there are any, so please check it regularly.

    Note that this is an individual assessment and you must work on your own. Any plagiarisms will be penalized with a ZERO mark immediately. In addition, you must not post anything on the Q&A forum during exam time.


    Best wishes,

    COMP9311 Team

  • Change of the final consultation time

    Posted by Chenji Huang 4 years ago.

    Dear students,

    We have changed the time of the final consultation. The new schedule is 9:00 am - 10:30 am Sydney Time from Tuesday to Thursday and 9:00 am -11:00 am Sydney Time on Friday.

    Best regards,

    The COMP9311 Team.

  • Assignment 2 Mark Release

    Posted by Chenji Huang 4 years ago.

    Dear students,

    Marks and sample solution for Assignment 2 have been released. You can check your mark in moodle.

    For any concerns about your mark, please contact your marking tutor through the email given in the comments.

    If you have submitted your assignment but do not get any mark, please email as soon as possible.

    Best regards,

    The COMP9311 Team.

Upcoming Due Dates

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