
  • Marks Uploaded

    Posted by Zhengyi Yang 3 years ago, last modified 3 years ago.

    Hi all,

    The exams are marked and your final marks are uploaded to the university. We do not release exam marks, but I believe you can calculate them once you get your final marks. Your final marks should be release by the university on this Thursday.

    Hope you enjoyed COMP9311 this term.



  • Final Exam Released

    Posted by Zhengyi Yang 3 years ago.

    The final exam paper has been released on WebCMS, accessible in the 'Final Exam' Tab.
    The Moodle submission page will be active starting from 1pm.

    Please read the instructions and questions carefully, and do let us know if there any problems with accessing the file.
    Lastly, best of luck to you all.

    (Note: we don't have any rules on the name of your final file submission, but it would be nice if you could include your zid in the file name)

  • Final Exam Tomorrow

    Posted by Zhengyi Yang 3 years ago, last modified 3 years ago.

    Dear All,

    A reminder that the exam is scheduled tomorrow: between 1:00 - 4:15 pm ( AEST 23rd Aug).
    We will release the final exam on WebCMS at 12:45 pm (15 minutes prior to the exam start time to allow extra time for downloading and uploading) .
    You will be notified via a WebCMS notice (also emailed to all students) once the paper is released.
    You will submit your exam on Moodle .

    During the examination:

    1. If you have any concerns relating to the questions, send an email to me ( ) AND cc the course email address ( ). Please do NOT post anything on the forum, as it could be distracting to other students.
    2. If we are to make updates/clarifications to any questions. We will release updates both as WebCMS notices (also emailed to all students) and in the Exam tab in WebCMS.

    Please allocate 5-10 minutes towards the end to submit your examination. Anything submitted after 4:15pm will be ignored (unless you have adjustments based on an Equitable Learning Plan).

    For detailed university guidelines on exam rules, please take 10 minutes or so to read the contents of the following link.

    Please be well prepared for the exam. Unfortunately, we will NOT provide any support for your own personal configuration or network-related issues. So maybe have your phone hot-spot ready for unexpected network outages.

    We will be checking for plagiarism in your exam submissions. You must attempt the examination by yourself.

    Wish you all best of luck,


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