Hello Class,
You can check the results of Quizzes, Ass1 and Ass2 from this page. The Ass2 marking details should also be collectable as well.
WebCMS is running slow.
You can access the lecture notes and lab notes directly from:
The quizzes are opened again. Any submissions made are ignored obviously. But you can try as many times as you'd like.
Wopping 82.84%. I am amazed. Well done class and thank you for your collective effort. As promised, we will add 1 extra mark towards your final mark for everyone. No questions asked!
Hello class ..., two things here:
25th Nov 10am - 12pm via Moodle - Blackboard Collaborate. (Helen from 10-11, Xiaoyang 11-12)
Hello Class,
Since the deadline for the assignment is Wednesday, we have moved the Thur/Friday help sessions to Tuesday and Wednesday. Please check the timetable
Hello class,
Assignment 1 marks are now available through the Grades page on WebCMS: https://webcms3.cse.unsw.edu.au/COMP9311/22T3/user...
Alongside the mark is an icon to collect your marked submissions. This includes a marking breakdown and any feedback. We've reviewed all submissions manually and tried to be as generous as possible. If you believe marks have been deducted incorrectly, please review the requirements for each stage first and ensure they've been met. If you still believe marks have been deducted incorrectly, you must provide your reasoning for how you have met the requirements for which you've incurred a deduction. Failure to do so may not elicit a response.
At the bottom of each marked submission you can find the zID of the tutor responsible for marking. If you need to raise any concerns about your mark then you should send an email to that zID@unsw.edu.au. Please note, each stage may have been marked by a different tutor, and any enquiries should be directed accordingly.
Note that this is not an open-ended process for the teaching team here. If you see a clear problem, do raise it before the end of Week 10. We do need to sort out all grading issues before the final exam starts. Thanks.
Assignment 2 is released now (under Assignments menu, WebCMS3).
We are marking Assignment 1 - and hope to get the results finalised within a week or so. We do have a lot to organise for marking so a little bit of patience from you is appreciated.
As mentioned, the lectures are still face-to-face (and recorded by echo360). Xiaoyang is in charge of the lectures from Week 7. See you at the lecture theatre.
Hello Class,
This week is a quiet week. There are no lectures scheduled this week (which means NO quiz either). There are help sessions with the tutors still running - if you want to catch up with any lab/server issues, this week will be a good opportunity to resolve them with tutors.
As mentioned at the start of the course, from Week 7, Xiaoyang will be giving the lectures. He is going to deliver the lecture face-to-face in the theatre as well (recorded by Echo360). So lecture schedules still remain the same. See you again in Week 7.
Many students have expressed concern about naming of tables/attributes. This is not a major issue because of the way we do the auto-marking. It runs in several stages:
First, we look at all of the submissions and find all the variations of table and attribute names.
Second, we put theses variations into a dictionary.
Finally, we scan your submission and identify your tables using the dictionary, so we'll be able to recognise them almost regardless of what you call them.
We asked for single-table mapping of Events. This leads to a table with a large number of attributes. Setting values in different combinations of attributes gives different event types. But not all combinations are sensible. We could check this by giving a very large table-level constraint which spells out all of the sensible attribute combinations. Writing this large constraint is tedious and is not something we expect you to do for this assignment.
Note this constraint needs to be a table-level constraint. You cannot do it by specifying constraints on individual attributes, which also means that you can't do it using domains.
Hello - I wil open an online session tomorrow to go through some of the SQL view examples and a subset of exercise questions. I will post the zoom link right here on WebCMS3 course announcement tomorrow.
It will be recorded and posted on Echo360 for those who cannot make it.
As the stage 2 starts soon after the stage 1 closing time (and stage 2 practically gives away a standard solution for stage 1), we cannot accept late submissions for Stage 1. We will open the submission site till 9am tomorrow (Thursday) - 9 hours after the deadline. We apply 0.2% per hour penalty. The submission site won't accept submissions after that.
Don't miss out on Stage 1 - try to submit whatever you have by the deadline (11:59pm Wednesday).
Hope you had a good long weekend.
I will open one-off online help session tomorrow (Thursday 29th Sep) from 9.30am till 11:00am, via Blackboard Collaborate.
If you are having problems with setting it up, you can come along to the session. If this time doesn't suit you, let me remind you that we have online help sessions (weekly running) with the tutors.
Go to Assignments - top "ER Modelling and SQL Schema Mapping". The assignment is carried out in two stages. The first stage is ER modelling. The second stage is ER to SQL mapping. Looking forward to the discussion on the forum.
For students who are still emailing me about "Ed Forum" access - PLEASE go to the very first course announcement in WebCMS3. You will see a self-invite link to Ed Forum there. Use it! I wish I don't have to repeat this message from now on ;-)
Hello Class,
UPDATES (22nd Sep 2pm): Lecture videos, the second lab are released. The quiz will become visible at 5:05pm today.
So tomorrow is a public holiday ! No live lectures, no online help sessions.
However, not to mess up our course schedule too much, we have decided to replace the live lecture with a pre-recorded video which covers the rest of the Week 2 topic. This will be uploaded onto Echo360 tomorrow.
For the online help sessions, we will coordinate with the tutors to open extra time in Week 3/Week 4, depending on their availability. The Online Help Sessions Page will be updated accordingly to reflect these.
Week 2 quiz will be released tomorrow 5pm, and due the following Monday midday (12pm).
If you are enrolling late in Week 2, the quizzes will be available to you from Week 2 (i.e., you will be missing Week 1 quiz).
We run quizzes every week and they have to run on schedule for the whole class as the answers/marks are released on due date. Once the answers are released, we cannot give any one an extension.
Actually, there won't be individual extensions for the quizzes for anyone.
The main purpose of the quizzes in the course is to encourage you to review lecture topics weekly. They are not a main assessment component (5% for 9 quizzes). We do not want to increase admin load by managing individual extensions for the quizzes, I am afraid. If you miss a quiz, try to catch the next one.
Online help sessions with the tutors are now scheduled. Go to 'Help Sessions' menu and follow the instructions. All help sessions are online (using Blackboard Collaborate via Moodle).
Hello Class,
You will see a quiz (Week 1) under 'Activities'. Every Thursday after the lecture, there will be a quiz appearing under 'Activities'. You can submit only once - and submission is due the following Monday 12pm.
The first setup lab (PostgreSQL) is released. Everyone should make sure that the setup is correct and you are comfortable using it. A lab exercise is not every week. There will be new lab every two weeks or so from now on.
Hello Class,
I'd like to welcome everyone to the course.
Whether you are enrolled here as online mode or in-class mode, the course will operate as follows:
We will release the first week's lecture notes and lab exercise next Monday (week 1 Monday).
We will use Ed for the course forum/discussion board. Pleae use the link below to register yourself with Ed.
Ed Forum for 22T3 COMP9311
Other than that ... nothing much you need to do until you see me on Tuesday!
Looking forward to seeing you and starting the course.