
  • Final Exam

    Posted by Junhua Zhang about a year ago.

    Hi students,

    The final exam is going to start at 1:20pm and ends at 4:40pm. The exam paper will be released on Moodle and Webcms at 1:20PM . The solution should be submitted on Moodle .

    You will have 3 hours (1:30 pm-4:30PM) to answer the questions, 10 minutes to read the exam requirements and the exam paper and 10 minutes to submit your answer. Late submissions after 4:40 pm will be penalised by 5 marks per minute.

    In case the course website is overloaded, we have put the slides in a shared folder on Dropbox . The exam paper will also be available in the folder during the exam.

    If you have any issues, please post them on Edforum privately and we will monitor the forum throughout the exam.

  • Industry Talk, Pizza&Drinks and Final Exam

    Posted by Junhua Zhang about a year ago.

    Dear students,

    Industry Talk: Next Monday of week 10, we are excited to have an industry talk from Dr Yi Jin on how RDBMS implementations handle problems in the Industry.

    Pizza and Drinks will be served during next week’s Lectures on Monday and Thursday. You are encouraged to attend next week’s lectures in person and talk with Dr Yi Jin, other students and us.

    Final Exam: The final exam is scheduled for the afternoon session on 27 November. A sample exam paper will be released next week to help you get familiar with the final exam.

  • Final Exam and Consultations

    Posted by Yiheng Hu about a year ago.

    Dear Students,

    Consultation : We will run daily consultation before the final exam. You will be able to get support instantly in case you have a problem in preparing for the exam. Join the session the same way as you do for our normal weekly consultation sessions (allowing both online and in-person attendance).

    Venue: Building K17 Room 203

    Time: 3PM to 4PM

    Monday 20th Nov

    Tuesday 21st Nov

    Wednesday 22nd Nov

    Thursday 23rd Nov

    Friday 24th Nov

    Final Exam: The dates and mode of final exam (online) is centrally managed by the university. The scope of final exam will be discussed in the revision lecture of Week 10.

    Wishing you all the best for the final exam and please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

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