If you are taking courses in T3, please help and fill in the national Student Experience Survey. You can find the entry in the courses you are taking. Thank you!
Best regards,
We've received the details about the supplementary exam schedule. Our supplementary exam is scheduled on Thursday 23-May from 2pm-5pm Sydney time.
According to the most recent records provided by school, there should be 7 students who are eligible for the supplementary exam. I have sent the supplementary exam instruction email yesterday to the 7 students. If you have been granted the supplementary exam, but not received the instruction email I sent, please contact me.
Hi Class,
The final exam paper has been released, accessible in Moodle , Ed Forum and also Dropbox shared folder . Please read the instructions and questions carefully.
The solution should be submitted on Moodle. Please allocate 5-10 minutes towards the end to submit your solution. Late submissions after 5 pm will be penalized by 5 marks per minute.
Best regards,
Hello Class,
A reminder that the exam is scheduled between 2 pm - 5 pm (Sydney time) . The exam paper will be released on Moodle and Ed forum around 1:50 pm (10 minutes prior to the exam start time to allow extra time for downloading and uploading). In case the website is overloaded, we will put a copy of the exam paper in a shared folder on Dropbox as well.
You will also be notified via a WebCMS notice (emailed to all students) once the paper is released. The solution should be submitted on Moodle, just like assignments.
During the examination
Please be well prepared for the exam. We will NOT provide any support for your own personal configuration or network-related issues. Download the slides in advance if you need them. The website may be slow.
We will be checking for plagiarism in your exam submissions. You must attempt the examination by yourself.
Best regards,
Hi Class,
Marks and sample solutions of Assignment 2 have been released. You can check your mark in Moodle and find the sample solution in WebCMS3.
For any concerns regarding your mark, please contact your marking tutor by this Sunday .
Best regards,
Well done class and thank you all for your collective effort. As promised, I will add 1 extra mark towards your final mark for everyone :-)
Best regards,
Hi Class,
We will open one in-person consultation and one online consultation next week for the final exam. The details are shown as follows.
Please submit the MyExperience survey. We need a bit more to hit the target :-)
Best regards,
Hi Students,
Two things here:
We will talk about the final exam in Wednesday's lecture. See you!
Best regards
Hi Class,
Marks and sample solution for Project have been released. You can check your mark in Moodle.
For any concerns regarding your mark, please contact your marking tutor first through the email in feedback by next Friday.
See you next week!
Best regards,
Hello Class,
Assignment 2 has been released and is now accessible under the Assignments. The deadline for assignment 2 is Fri 16:59:59 19th April (Sydney Time) .
The questions in Practices 3 & 4 could be helpful when doing assignment 2.
Best regards,
Hello Class,
Due to the public holidays, there will be no lecture or labs this Friday and next Monday.
Online consultation and Ed forum will be still available if you have any questions. In case, you want to meet tutors in person, you are free to join labs on the other days.
Enjoy your long weekend and see you next Wednesday :-)
Best regards,
Hello Class,
Marks and sample solution for Assignment 1 have been released. You can check your mark in Moodle.
For any issues concerning your mark, please contact your marking tutor through the email or zid in the feedback comments by next Friday (29th Mar) .
Practice 3 has been released with solution under the Practices. It is related to database design theory.
Best regards,
Hi All,
The project has been released under the Project. The deadline for the project is Fri 16:59:59 March 29th (Sydney Time) .
Best regards,
There are some problems with video recording equipments in the lecture room. Therefore, you may find some parts are not correctly displayed in echo360 about the Week 2 Monday lecture. Fortunately, we also have recorded the lecture on BlackBoard Collaborate :-) You can find it from “Moodle -> Online lecture - BlackBoard Collaborate -> Recordings”.
We have reported the problem to the university. They will fix it ASAP and hopefully, the echo360 recording will work tomorrow.
Best regards,
Hi Class,
The school has scheduled a maintenance-related power shutdown for Building K-17, including the CSE Data Centre, from 8 PM on Friday , 23rd February, to 10 PM on Saturday , 24th February. This will affect all CSE services, including WebCMS3, SSH connections, VLAB, etc.
Please plan your work accordingly during these two days. We strongly advise downloading any necessary documents from WebCMS3 in advance to avoid disruptions.
Best regards,
Hello Class,
Assignment 1 has been released under the Assignments. The deadline for assignment 1 is Fri 16:59:59 8th March (Sydney Time).
The first lab material has been released under Labs. We also provide two previous recordings: one demo video that helps you go through the setup procedure, and one about some basic Linux commands.
Practice 1 has been released with solutions under the Practices. It is about ER and the relational model.
Best regards,
Hi Class,
Welcome to the course COMP9311! I hope you look forward to learning about database systems. In this opening notice, I outline how the course will run in T1 2024.
Course Webpages We manage the course with WebCMS3 and Moodle . If you’re reading this notice, congrats, you’ve found us. All announcements, lecture notes, lab notes, assignment specs, etc, are going to be posted here. Moodle is used to provide access to online live lectures, lecture recordings, and assignment submissions.
Lecture The lectures will be delivered in person at O'Shane 104 (Mon/Wed). There will be online streaming lectures via Blackboard Collaborate at the same time. You can find the link in Moodle.
Lecture Recording All lectures will be recorded and uploaded onto Echo360, which can be found through the links (Lecture Recordings) in Moodle.
Lab Labs start from Week 2. Due to the limited space of school labs, we have to run BYOD labs face-to-face in classrooms. So you need to bring your own laptop. During the lab, a tutor will be present to assist you and answer questions.
Consultation Weekly consultation will be presented online via Blackboard Collaborate from Week 1. You may join the consultation if you have any questions regarding the course.
Discussion Forum We will use Ed for the course forum/discussion board. You have to register yourself first. The forum link and instructions are linked on the WebCMS3 menu .
Other than that ... nothing much you need to do until you see me on Monday!
Best of luck, and I look forward to meeting you all soon!
Xiaoyang Wang